Search query: travel
Tipping Etiquette Around The World [Infographic]
I think I have touched on this subject before, and I didn't get any more clever because of it. As you can read from one of my earlier articles, tippin ...
The Hoverbike Is A Reality
Slowly the technologies of tomorrow are being rolled out into the ever changing society that we live in. No longer are we talking about the small achi ...
22 Reasons To Explore Outer Space
I'm completely fascinated with outer space and the universe we live in. I read today that even though many people have always thought the universe was ...
Bit Rebels 2nd Birthday: Our History Presented
So we finally reached the day! This is the only day that we will celebrate our second birthday, and we're totally psyched about it! Since it's our sec ...
Edible City: Shanghai China Recreated In Bakery Sweets
A lot of times people ask me if I have a personal blog. I always just direct them here. Bit Rebels is not a personal blog per se; however, to me it ki ...
9 Ways Twitter Can Change Your Life
Twitter has had a big influence on me. People who follow me on the site know that I tweet a lot, and that I enjoy meeting and tweeting with friends an ...
Badass Spiders Made From TSA Confiscated Scissors
If you travel much by airplane, you've probably seen the big buckets of items confiscated at the airport security checkpoints. Last month when I was a ...
Wow! World’s Largest Model Airport Design
Since I'm on the Internet almost all day everyday, it's rare that I see something that impresses me as much as this does. On Bit Rebels, we've written ...
A Girl And Her Room: Lifestyles From Around The World
Living in a country with no wars, industrialism and nice infrastructure sure makes your lifestyle very narrow minded. Usually people don't look beyond ...
The REAL Working Lego Car
Anyone who has been following Bit Rebels since the very beginning remembers my article about the Lego car that traveled the world as a life-size car m ...
5 Ways To Scare The Crap Out Of A Hotel Maid
Having spent my share of nights at hotels around the world, I have grown quite used to the fact that they are all almost the same. If you have stayed ...
10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You
I have my email address at the bottom of each article I write here on Bit Rebels, and I've always encouraged readers to drop me a line if they ever ha ...
The Pedestrian’s Guide to the USA
Here in States, you can tell a lot about a city by the way the people walk. If you don't live here, you might think that walking is just walking, but ...
International Pillow Fight Day: Feathers Are Everywhere
Are you in the mood to smash someone in the face today? Do you have some pent up energy you need to let out? You are in luck because today is Internat ...
Waste In Space: It’s Not Just Earth That Needs Cleaning Up
I know there is a lot of garbage on earth, that's no surprise, but I never thought about it being in space before. And yes, most of the trash in space ...