Search query: travel

Big Brother Google is Watching You

Big Brother Google is Watching You

Is Big Brother Google watching you? In a word, yes. This post is not designed to frighten you, only to inform you of what some people are saying tha ...
Water Babies, a dreamy tale

Water Babies, a dreamy tale

Zena Holloway is best known for her dreamy underwater photographs of celebs, supermodels and athletes. Her images are highly sought after by magazines ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
Do you want to use the Space Chair?

Do you want to use the Space Chair?

You would think they would have thought of everything by now when it comes to making a good ad. Well, it turns out they have yet a whole new stage to ...

A Space Exploration Timeline

I’m fascinated with astronomy. I love studying space and the universe because it is awe-inspiring and offers such an energy of hope and promise for t ...
2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

In just a few days the Olympic torch will be lit and the countdown to the games will begin. Vancouver has been preparing for this grand event for year ...
Bare Necessities

Bare Necessities

Lately I've been thinking about scaling down 'the clutter' in several areas of my life. I don't live in a ginormous house, nor do I drive a massively ...
Experience is the Best Teacher!

Experience is the Best Teacher!

For designers the best thing after your formal training is to actually jump in and learn the ropes by experiencing how it is to work in the real world ...
On The Road | Your Trip Book

On The Road | Your Trip Book

If you have friends like me who travel a lot.  Wouldn't be cool to see what he or she is up to through the duration of their trip.  Wouldn't it be nic ...
Ice Is More Valuable Than Gold on the Moon

Ice Is More Valuable Than Gold on the Moon

It’s been all over the news this week: The LCROSS Lunar Impact. But why is it so important to know whether or not there is water on the moon? There ...
Ora by Alexandros Stasinopoulos

Ora by Alexandros Stasinopoulos

Ora is a unique timepiece that is not only beautifully designed but also very unique and modern twist to a wristwatch. The purpose of mechanical wa ...
Flashback | CG Animations back in 1990

Flashback | CG Animations back in 1990

I was one of the fortunate ones to actually have a couple of buddies when I was younger that got themselves the awesome and powerful new computer Amig ...
Take A Ride On The Wild Side With Hans Rey

Take A Ride On The Wild Side With Hans Rey

I love writing articles about people who live life on the outer limits, beat the odds, push themselves beyond what others think is possible and most o ...
8 Of My Favorite iPhone App

8 Of My Favorite iPhone App

I can't leave home without my iPhone.  One of the most invaluable tool for me and my work.  I enjoy the many applications that truly help me with my d ...
Worlds Best Sandwich

Worlds Best Sandwich

I know it will be hard to argue what the world's best sandwich is, since we each have distinctive tastes and preferences, however I couldn't let this ...
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