Search query: watch

Anti-Geek Commercial: Break Free Of The Pixel

Anti-Geek Commercial: Break Free Of The Pixel

I think most of us are not exactly overjoyed when we are watching a movie and a commercial interrupts our intense experience. It is; however, a necess ...
Beer Paintings: Extraordinary Art Painted With Beer

Beer Paintings: Extraordinary Art Painted With Beer

Well damn, who needs paint when you have beer, right? I'm a big fan of beer. Most ladies I know drink wine instead of beer, and I suppose that is a bi ...
Igloo Hotel: Pure Zen In The Middle Of All The Snow

Igloo Hotel: Pure Zen In The Middle Of All The Snow

I am a real sucker for travel experiences and if I had to choose I would go for an experience rather than some gadget or a toy. The experience lasts a ...
A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]

A Lap Around Our Beautiful Planet In Time Lapse [Video]

Planet Earth, the ball suspended in space that we will most likely call home for the remaining days of our lives. What do we really know about her? Do ...
World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

I love sushi. I could eat it everyday. It's right up there with chicken wings in my book, which are pretty high on my list. How would you like to go i ...
Taste Your Words: The Hydraulic Drink Mixing Typewriter

Taste Your Words: The Hydraulic Drink Mixing Typewriter

Now this is a drink making machine that would make William Shakespeare proud... nah, how about Charles Dickens or Mark Twain... no, still not right, h ...
12 Past Present & Future Corporate Logo Designs

12 Past Present & Future Corporate Logo Designs

Following the evolution of logos is fascinating. I'm not a designer, but I think one of the keys to a successful logo change is keeping the essence of ...
8 Lines That Would Have Ended Star Wars Really Fast

8 Lines That Would Have Ended Star Wars Really Fast

Not too long ago, there was (and I think they are still making them) cartoon videos on YouTube which dealt with alternate endings for popular movies. ...
The Pimped Out Futuristic Daft Punk Helmet Version 2.0

The Pimped Out Futuristic Daft Punk Helmet Version 2.0

Often times we see artists create fabulous designs that go viral on the Internet, and when this happens, many times they are inspired to create a seco ...
Jedi Kittens: The Battle Continues [Part 2]

Jedi Kittens: The Battle Continues [Part 2]

Some of you people might remember an article I wrote not too long ago with the Jedi Cats that sported a video that was beyond cute. It turns out that ...
A Window That Closes Automatically When Train Approaches

A Window That Closes Automatically When Train Approaches

I know it sounds kinda strange, but I've always thought innovative windows and curtains were interesting. When you add a techno-geek flavor to them, i ...
For The Artist In Your Life: The Happy Accidents Tablecloth

For The Artist In Your Life: The Happy Accidents Tablecloth

When I was a child, I had an art teacher once who used to always tell us, "In art, there are no such things as mistakes, only happy accidents." I alwa ...
Don’t Look Down: The World’s Scariest Ferris Wheel

Don’t Look Down: The World’s Scariest Ferris Wheel

I've written about some scary designs before, but I never thought it would be in the form of a carnival ride. Since my heart would beat out of my ches ...
Epic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls Collected

Epic Lego Predator Bust Totally Brags About Skulls Collected

All you Lego fanatics out there know that whenever there is a new epic build, we cover it. Hopefully all of you will keep sending us your builds so we ...
You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

You Might Be Surprised What’s Trending On China’s Twitter Now

I was in Shanghai a few months ago for a Black Card Circle charity event. After being on a 20-hour flight with no Wi-Fi, I was feeling Twitter withdra ...
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