Search query: web design

The Life Of A Designer [Video]

The Life Of A Designer [Video]

If you have spent some time trying to make it as a freelance designer, you know how difficult it can be to achieve the goals that you set up for yours ...
Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

I guess anyone who has been working with website design for a long period of time knows the importance of an optimized landing page. It's what could m ...
Sparkly Retro Disco Ball Motorcycle Helmet Design

Sparkly Retro Disco Ball Motorcycle Helmet Design

I don't even ride motorcycles, but this helmet makes me want to get on one and go very, very fast. With a helmet like this, you'd definitely need a li ...
8 Movie Posters Redesigned To Feature The Easter Egg

8 Movie Posters Redesigned To Feature The Easter Egg

This weekend a lot of people around the world will be coloring eggs, eating marshmallow peeps and chomping the heads off chocolate bunnies. Speaking o ...
Elderly Mickey Mouse: Redesigned To Show His Age

Elderly Mickey Mouse: Redesigned To Show His Age

Unfortunately, for most of us, aging is not something we celebrate. We cling to our youth with all we've got, and we try hard to keep the natural sign ...
Illustration Intersects Two Careers: Illustrator vs. Industrial Designer

Illustration Intersects Two Careers: Illustrator vs. Industrial Designer

The use of illustration often crosses paths in the career of an illustrator and industrial designer, but there are key differences between the two car ...
Mother Nature Designs A Freakishly Cool Creature

Mother Nature Designs A Freakishly Cool Creature

This little guy is supposed to be a Blue Dragon Nudibranch, the Sea Swallow, or as some say, a Blue Sea Slug. I am not sure of its origin or scientifi ...
Words With Cookies: Scrabble Inspired Cookie Designs

Words With Cookies: Scrabble Inspired Cookie Designs

My favorite board game is Scrabble. It always has been. It's the only board game I've ever had that actually looks old from being played so much. It's ...
Creative Architecture: Starbucks Coffee Design In Japan

Creative Architecture: Starbucks Coffee Design In Japan

Like many Universities here in the States, when I was in school, we were required to study Starbucks and how they've successfully built their business ...
Game For Geeks: Monopoly Web Lovers Edition

Game For Geeks: Monopoly Web Lovers Edition

Playing Monopoly is always a lot of fun, but playing this web lovers edition would make it even better. According to Wikipedia, the earliest version o ...
3 Devilishly Unholy Wine Bottle Designs

3 Devilishly Unholy Wine Bottle Designs

To this day, there is no question that the original Exorcist movie is the scariest movie I've ever seen. Of course Clockwork Orange, Hannibal Lecter, ...
Every Design Apple Has Ever Released In 30 Seconds [Video]

Every Design Apple Has Ever Released In 30 Seconds [Video]

Today seems to be one of those days when I happen to stumble over a lot of Apple related stuff, and I thought I'd show you guys a few that I find quit ...
Pop Bottles: An Unusual Mashup Of Alcohol & Toys In Bottle Designs

Pop Bottles: An Unusual Mashup Of Alcohol & Toys In Bottle Designs

It's not everyday that we see popular toy brands mashed with popular alcohol brands. It's an unusual mashup that of course sends all kinds of pop cult ...
Muse Barbies: 10 Creative Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Designs

Muse Barbies: 10 Creative Pop Culture Barbie Dolls Designs

I've written a lot of articles about Barbie on Bit Rebels. I feel the same way about Barbie as I do Hello Kitty. It's definitely a love/hate relations ...
Obama Toast Design: Eat The President For Breakfast

Obama Toast Design: Eat The President For Breakfast

I am thinking of having Obama over for breakfast, but don't worry, the Secret Service will not be requiring background checks or patting us down for t ...
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