Tag: brain
![Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart] Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/inside-an-entrepreneurs-brain-infographic.jpg)
Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart]
We've written a lot of business articles on Bit Rebels, and although some are written about topics pertaining to a corporate environment, our favorite ...

3D Printed Smart Prosthetic Arm Created By A Teenager For Cheap
Easton LaChappelle isn't an ordinary teenager who plays video games all weekend and talks on the phone. Instead, he is busy trying to create something ...

Holographic Displays Could Assist In The Detection Of Brain Damage
There has been quite a bit of innovation when it comes to holograms over the past year. Now that the Leia hologram from Star Wars is actually feasible ...

Science Behind Your Thoughts Affects Your Business & Success
A few months ago, Richard wrote an article called The Mental Effects Of Facebook Addiction. In that article, he pointed to a source that suggested peo ...
Digital Footprints Broken Down By Generation [Infographic]
You've heard of a carbon footprint, but did you know you have a digital footprint also? A digital footprint is related to how you interact in a digita ...
12 Very Strange Photographs Of People Watching Television
If aliens flew over our planet in their spaceships and peeked into our homes when we were watching television, what would they think? I'm sure they wo ...
How The Internet Affects Our Health [Infographic]
Have you ever thought about how the Internet affects your health? I'm not talking about in the ways you wouldn't notice, but I'm referring to things t ...
Zombie Brain Purse Goes Far Beyond Halloween Freakiness
It seems that when it comes down to it, a women's purse is really what matters. Forget the shoes, the dress or the hair, it's what goes in and out of ...
Visual Information & How It Affects Website Traffic [Infographic]
It's easy to feel completely stupid after a class or a presentation where someone has been talking for one and a half hours or more. The classic trend ...
Illustrations With Hidden Images: Jumping Jacks For Your Brain
Optical illusions are always mind-trippy, but when artists and designers take it one step further to create negative space art or even logos with doub ...
How Social Media Is Ruining Our Minds [Infographic]
Before I get into the specifics about this information, I want to ask you a question. Do you ever feel your brain hurt or strain when you are working ...
How Google Affects Our Memory [Infographic]
I remember back towards the beginning of the year when Chris Pirillo and Danny Brown both wrote articles about how social media is, in a sense, making ...
The Science Of Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse
It seems we can never get too much of the infographics around here. This is especially true when they come loaded with good advice about how to make s ...
What Your Daily Preferences Reveal About Your Personality
We've all seen the little questionnaires that supposedly pinpoint different personality types. You know, the questions like, "Do you wear boxers or br ...
10 Colorful Right-Brain & Left-Brain Interpretations
A few weeks ago, we wrote an article entitled How We Use Our Brains. It contained a beautiful infographic which suggested we only use 20% of our brain ...