Tag: burger king

Behold The Burger King Handsfree Whopper Burger Holder
When I say fast food, what do you think about? Is it the ordinary yet sometimes necessary intake of nutrition from a drive-thru restaurant which you e ...

Twitter Currency: Paying For Items With Tweets Sounds Good To Me!
Sometimes it feels like social media is taking over the world. Is it the very beginnings of the augmented reality future we'll all supposedly be livin ...
![Social Media Fast Food Restaurant Burger War [Infographic] Social Media Fast Food Restaurant Burger War [Infographic]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Fast-Food-Social-Media-Comparison.jpg)
Social Media Fast Food Restaurant Burger War [Infographic]
I don't eat much fast food, but I have friends who love it. I do like Subway and Baskin-Robbins, so maybe I eat at those places more than I realize. W ...

Advertised Fast Food Compared To The Real Deal
I have to admit that I am not too much of a fast food junkie. I'd rather cook my meal myself and enjoy the rich flavors of real unspoiled vegetables a ...
Dark Vador & Jedi Burgers: Evil Never Tasted So Delicious
Can't you just imagine Darth Vader with this black burger in his hand while he's having lunch with the Emperor? "He will eat this or die, my master." ...
WTF: Bikini Woman Freaks Out At Burger King
People are freaking crazy. There, I said it. No really, they are. No wonder I stay in my house on my computer surfing the Internet all day, it's the o ...

A Heavenly McDonald’s French Fry Skull
Of all the fast food restaurants you can think of, wouldn't you agree that McDonald's has the best french fries? McDonald's french fries are the only ...

McDonald’s – How It Works In Pictures
Have you ever been behind the counter in a McDonald's to see how it all works? When I was in high school, I worked the drive thru window at Wendy's, ...

Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!
Here in the States, we've all seen the horrible pictures showing how some places prepare chicken wings, right? It's shocking and disgusting; yet we e ...

Finally – The Truly Healthy Fast Food Lunch!
It seems eating healthier is at the forefront of so many people's minds now more than ever. With KFC's Double Down sandwich and rumors of McDonald's ...

The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?
Have you checked out the new Double Down KFC sandwich? In my opinion, this freak of nature fast food nastiness should be outlawed. It doesn't even l ...
Windows 7 Burger!
Microsoft just launched Windows 7 and getting a lot of buzz thanks to Burger King! I watched the 2 videos and man I love burgers but i don't think i ...
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