Tag: Face

3D Printed Custom Sunglasses Specifically Created To Fit Your Face
I have a really small face. You can't see it when looking at a picture, but when I try on sunglasses, it's obvious. The trendy sunglasses don't look t ...

Upload A Pic And See Your Face On Meth After 5 Years Of Drug Abuse
I learned early on that drugs could ruin a person's life. When I was a kid, I remember getting annoyed at all the people who tried to teach me about t ...

Virtual Mirror Webcam Modifies Your Smile To Affect Buying Decisions
I don't like the mirrors inside the fitting rooms in retail stores. I like my body a lot, but no matter how much a person works out, those mirrors see ...

Barbie Goes Natural: This Is Barbie’s Face With No Makeup
There has been a lot of focus on 'real beauty' over the past few years, and hopefully more women are starting to feel confident about their natural be ...
Text Technology Adds Animated Face & Emotions To Your Text Messages
If you have experienced a close friendship or even a romantic relationship with someone online, you know that even though technology has progressed en ...
Face Stealer App Enables You To Go Visually Anonymous
Ever since the movie Face/Off starring Nicholas Cage and John Travolta, the thought of becoming someone else (even if only for a day) has infused a me ...
3D Printed Edible Chocolate Version Of Your Own Face
3D printing is a beautiful technology. Not only can it be used to create things that will change people's lives for the better, but it can also be use ...
Emoticon Alphabet Book Has All Your Social Media Emoticons From A – Z
We see emoticons everywhere in social media. They are all over Twitter and Facebook. Emoticons have even made the transition over to handwritten text ...
Face-Kini: The Outrageous Face Bikini That Looks Like A Ski Mask
Like most people I know, I’m aware of how much sun I’m getting when I’m outside. Times have changed a lot from the days when I was a 14-year-old girl ...
How Drug Abuse Affects The Body: Before & After Photography
I've written about this topic before, but it's been a while, so I thought today would be a good day to touch on it again. I'm talking about drug abuse ...
Face Socks: Sneaky Way Of Expressing Your Feelings
Yesterday I wrote an article called 10 Signs You Are Truly Happy, and people seemed to respond really well to it. Some people feel like happiness is n ...
Extreme Body Painting Designs On Hands
I'm planning a birthday party for my six-year-old daughter. We're going to a local kid-themed hair salon for a fantasy face-painting party this year. ...
Stunning Bottle Cap Self Portrait
In our modern world, we don't really get to use our imagination much since we keep automating stuff that we used to do ourselves. It's quite interesti ...
Sleeveface: Album Covers Are Popular Once Again [10 Pics]
I have to admit, I'm getting kinda sick of the planking, owling, cone-ing, horsemaning and now batmanning trends. I'm coming to realize that nothing c ...
Eyes That Tell Stories: A Creative Look At Famous Eyes
If you are like a lot of people online, you are skeptical about whether or not these photographs below are of real eyes. It almost looks like detailed ...