Tag: Geek

The Best Gifts For Your Geek This Holiday
It's that time of year again. That time where we all look at the calendar and say "Oh Crap, I have a few weeks to make it seem that I am thoughtful by ...
Geek Speak | How to upgrade your Webslang to Web 2.0
After watching and reading the highly interesting post by Susan Elaine Cooper "Do Not Feed The Trolls" I was inspired to find out how everyone can get ...

Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list
Have you been thinking about your wish list all year? If you haven't finished all your Christmas shopping last week and need a pressie for the geek in ...
How To Deliver The Perfect Goodnight Kiss
Alright, so you haven't been dating for quite a while. You're feeling a little anxious about going on that date you magically hooked up through divine ...
How To: Bust A Counterfeiter With Your Mouse
A few weeks ago I wrote about airport security in the States using Nintendo Wii balance boards to do screening and catch the bad guys. http://retwt.me ...

Check Out The Guitar Created Just For Geeks!
Move over air guitar! How cool would it be to rock out to your favorite classic rock songs while playing the guitar… on your t-shirt? This shirt bel ...

Unlock Your Front Door Geek-Style
This has to be the geekiest thing I’ve ever written about. I’m a geek by any standard, but even this is a bit over the edge for me. But, the geek in ...
Ultimate Tutorial | How to be a Nerd
Checking this post out you have unleashed the ultimate question of "How to be a Nerd". Yup, you obviously wanted to know, right? So, in order not to d ...
LightSabre Lamp for the Star Wars Geek in You!
One of the best sci-fi film ever would be Star Wars hand down. For the Star wars geek out there, here is a cool product that will surely make you gla ...
How to Make a Baby!
Here is an interesting way to make a baby! Found this interesting video of a couple and how they made a baby. The video was made using a technique c ...
Great Computer Pranks | The Geek Style
Hacking away at the keyboard day out and day in can become quite boring if you don't manage to do something entertaining every once in a while. Now, w ...
Geeky Fun Mimobot USB
Who says that you should carry data with a plain USB stick? Now there are a lot of different designs to choose from. You can even have fun and geeky ...
Geeky Salt and Pepper Shakers
Do you like adding seasoning to your food? Here is one way to add a new meaning to the phrase "Please pass the salt". Who says that the salt and p ...
Vortex Cannon & other things from Bang!
The BBC have recently launched a new science programme, its kind of a cross between Top Gear and Tomorrows World (for those who remember that...).  ...
First Person Remote Control!
Most people want to fly, but they either can't because as a human, flapping the arms doesn't work and/or they don't want to jump out of a perfectl ...