Tag: Virus

7 Simple Ways To Always Keep Your Smartphone Safe
When it comes to our smartphones, many of us never think about our security when using them. It seems so unlikely that anything would happen when you’ ...

Ransomware Is A Billion Dollar Game Of Cat And Mouse
Cyber security is a never-ending game of cat and mouse between criminals and those offering some form of protection, which is why we can never rest on ...

How Lighting Or A Song In A Coffee Shop Can Initiate Mobile Malware
As technology gets more sophisticated, hackers fine-tune the ways they are able to access our personal information. I consider myself to be up-to-date ...
![Don’t Be A Fool: Be Sure To Make Back Up Files [Infographic] Don’t Be A Fool: Be Sure To Make Back Up Files [Infographic]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/keep-back-up-files-infographic.png)
Don’t Be A Fool: Be Sure To Make Back Up Files [Infographic]
With the increasing amount of data we accumulate each day, there is one thing that has always been a worrying factor, and that is the risk of losing i ...
Mobile Ninja Tactics To Fight Off Mobile Malware [Infographic]
For a while, Apple users could brag about their gadgets not getting any viruses or malware. Those days are long gone, and now we're faced with the fac ...
Why You Should Be Nice To Your IT Guy Today [Infographic]
I'm officially going to suggest that December 5th each year be called "Be Nice To Your IT Guy Day." They have it rough. I thought this little tribute ...
It Turns Out…A Real Zombie Apocalypse Is Possible After All
Zombies are all the rage, and they have been for a few years now. The inevitable zombie apocalypse has inspired more products, preparedness guides and ...
The Walking Dead Is Back From The Dead: A Season Premiere Review
Spoilers below! Watch the first episode of The Walking Dead season three first. Or, upon completion of this article, reset your brain via sticking a s ...
Lookout Labs Introduces Mobile Threat Tracker
Mobile operating systems have become a playground for hackers looking to steal personal information. Until now, it's been difficult for ordinary smart ...
Art Created With Germs: The Beauty Of Bacteria
You are either going to feel dirty and rush to wash your hands after reading this, or you are going to think it's kinda neat. I fall somewhere in the ...
Stuxnet: Anatomy Of World’s Most Advanced Computer Virus
Every day we hear about new viruses, malware and trojans. It's become an automated process to keep our computers safe by using one of the many protect ...
Twitter Malware: A Complete Timeline [Infographic]
You are using Twitter, right? If you have used the social networking service for a while, you are well aware of the hiccups it has had through its exi ...
Protect Your Gear: Awesome Intuitive Virus Protection
In the climate of today's technology landscape, pretty much everyone is battling the storm of malware and viruses that could potentially render your m ...
“Delete” Wipes: Clean Dirt Off Your Computer!
I think everyone agrees with me that the keyboard is probably the most dirty and germ infected spot in your whole house (yes, even more so than the ba ...
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