Tag: Workaholic

13 Personality Types Found In Almost Every Busy Office [Infographic]

13 Personality Types Found In Almost Every Busy Office [Infographic]

Everyone likes to think they have an easy-going personality and can get along with anyone. If you've ever worked in a busy office with a bunch of peop ...
Desk With A Hidden Bed Built Into It So You Can Secretly Nap At Work

Desk With A Hidden Bed Built Into It So You Can Secretly Nap At Work

As people all over the world continuously ratchet up their work schedules, it makes sense that new designs keep appearing that allow workaholics to ta ...
Workaholics: Your All-Nighter Survival Guide [Chart]

Workaholics: Your All-Nighter Survival Guide [Chart]

When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter? I know some people who do their best work during sleepless long nights, and I know other people who ...
An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

Are you a workaholic? Do you get so focused on your projects that time slips by, and when you finally come up to breathe, many hours have passed? I'm ...
Our Wants vs. Our Needs: 12 Creative Illustrations

Our Wants vs. Our Needs: 12 Creative Illustrations

Have you ever stopped to think about how much junk you have in your life that you don't need? As much as I try to keep my own life very simple, even r ...
The Japanese Sleeping Capsule For Nighttime Workaholics

The Japanese Sleeping Capsule For Nighttime Workaholics

Do you ever work late at your office? I do all the time. Misty and I have joked many times that we've woken up in the middle of the night with keyboar ...
A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Manager [Infographic]

Being a social media manager sounds so glamorous, doesn't it? For anyone who is a twitterholic, it translates to, "I can finally get paid to tweet!" ...
For Geeks & Workaholics: An Inflatable Window With A View

For Geeks & Workaholics: An Inflatable Window With A View

It is so funny to me that someone even invented this little gag. What a sign of the times! Everyone works so hard these days, and we often wish we c ...
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