Deconstructed: Anatomy Of 18 Popular Video Game Controllers

We spend thousands of hours on games each year, but do we ever really think about how it is all possible? I mean everything is working as it should, for the most part, and we play our games from start to finish. But what about the hardware, the actual devices that make it all possible? That is something that Brandon Allen apparently thought about, so he set out on a destructive path to show us all what the game controllers we play with are all about.

I am sure some of you are going to go bananas as he takes apart some of the world’s most iconic controllers and perhaps destroying them for all future. Never worry, I am sure Brandon knows exactly what he is doing (or so I hope), and you would never know what just transpired. I have to say though that I honestly did not know that so much was crammed into those small game controllers we spend so much time furiously clicking and throwing around in rage when we are not able to finish up a level.

Even if I tried I honestly would not know what consoles all of these game controllers are for. I consider myself to be quite bewildered within the gaming world, but these 18 game controllers are not familiar to me. Some date as far back as the Nintendo NES and even before that, but that one is definitely easy to spot. My question to all of you is would you be able to name the systems they were introduced with?

Deconstructed devices have always been very visually appealing, and these controllers are definitely not an exception to that rule. The photography and the colors are deliciously bringing out the awesomeness of these devices. Who knew all of this treasure was hidden in the devices that we use each and every day, right? I mean it is almost better than some of the treasure that we find in some of the games we play. Who’s the first one to name all the systems that each game controller came with? The race is on!

Brandon Allen’s 18 Deconstructed Game Controllers

18 Deconstructed Game Controllers

18 Deconstructed Game Controllers

18 Deconstructed Game Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

18 Deconstructed Controllers

Via: [UFunk French]