iPhone & iPad Controlled Roachbots: Learn To Love Cockroaches

Finding a huge bug in your home is a traumatic experience for a lot of people. It is especially traumatic if you find a cockroach on your living room floor since they say if you find one, there are usually millions somewhere nearby. It’s not a very pleasant thought if you ask me. I am sure one of the most popular requests for pest control companies in states like California is to get rid of roaches, and I doubt that will stop anytime soon. There are about 4,500 different types of cockroaches in the world, and about 30 of those are associated with human habitation, and 4 of those are known as pests. So as you see, there are quite a lot of roaches out there waiting to get into our warm and cozy homes.

So what can we do about this? Well, of course we can keep calling the pest control companies and asking them to eliminate any roaches that may have made a habitat in our homes, but then there is also the Japanese way of doing it. If you can’t get rid of them, learn to live with them. Yup, at least that is the mindset behind the new Roachbots. It’s a rather creative solution to say the least. It is actually an iPhone controlled cockroach bot whose only purpose is to help us find more human affection for these crawling creatures.

With a series of movements controlled by your iPhone or iPad, you can control a lifelike roach, and that way, get a little bit more accustomed to its movements. What you have before found to be disgusting with it, you might just now find to be a little bit more cute. Yeah, I don’t think I would ever want to go this particular route myself. I would much rather have a pest free house altogether and just deal with it that way. I don’t know about you, but that is how I would like to solve the problem. But on the other hand, some people say that at some point in time roaches will become a part of our food supply. It’s a horrible thought, I know, especially when you start thinking about the fact that if you remove the head of a roach it will still continue living for another 7 days! Of course, I don’t know for sure that this is true, but it’s the word on the street. However, if you want to learn to love these creepers, you can order one from Japan for around $37.





