The commercialized version of the Internet has been around since the late 1980s, and through its lifetime so far we have seen people and ideas become legendary seemingly overnight. The Internet has spawned more millionaires than any other industry, and that combined with the ever increased speed of our internet connections and the growth in the number of mobile devices we purchase will spawn even more tech millionaires. Not only has the Internet made people rich, but it has also made our youth aware of the possibilities of banking a lifetime’s worth of income before they have even turned 15. Never before have so many young people started so many companies that have changed the world. The tech millionaires are getting younger and younger.
The most famous and brightest shining “star” of them all is of course Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, whose life has already been compiled into a box office success movie. But many of the founding tech millionaires of today have sort of ended up in the shadow of this furiously debated Facebook entrepreneur. It’s kind of a pity really since there are plenty of things to be learned by all of these innovative people. We don’t have to focus on Mr. Zuckerberg in order to get inspired.
For example, just a couple of days ago, it was announced that Adobe is going to buy Behance (which was co-founded by Scott Belsky who was under age 30 at the time he started Behance). For a tech entrepreneur, that is nothing but success. It seems community websites are the infinite target of acquisitions for multinational companies around the world. It’s a way to boost their own services and products and further improve their status among their competitors.
Instagram is another example of a tech company acquired by a huge corporation. Instagram is a company that was only started a little over one and a half years before its acquisition. The price tag that time ended up just a nip south of the billion dollar mark. The founders of Instagram certainly became tech millionaires overnight.
A third example that I always bring up when I am writing about tech millionaires and their path to fame is of course Mashable. It’s a respectable social media news website started by Pete Cashmore. It was rumored some time ago that CNN was to acquire Mashable for upwards of $200 million. It was quickly cabled out that Pete Cashmore had become a multimillionaire overnight. However, that was not exactly the truth. As Pete himself said during a quick interview shortly after the rumors were set loose, Mashable had been grinding out social media news for over 7 years before they ended up in the headlights of CNN. That’s hardly an overnight success, right?
In order to become a member of the tech millionaires club, you will have to put on your working clothes and get grinding. Far from every tech startup enjoys the same success as Instagram did. As a matter of fact, most tech startups are busting their backs for years before they see any positive results. So if you’re looking to become one of the many tech millionaires out there, prepare to put in some long hours and dedicate your soul to your trade and idea. That’s the minimum of what it’s going to take you to reach the edges of the stars.
In a fresh infographic presented by H&R Clock called The New Generation Of Tech Millionaires Under Age 30, we are introduced to some of the founding tech millionaires who have ended up in the shadow of Mark Zuckerberg. Most of their stories are even more inspiring than that of Mr. Zuckerberg. We can all learn something from these dedicated tech entrepreneurs who made their dreams come true by staying dedicated to their idea and working hard.
Tech Millionaires Who Will Inspire You
(Click To Enlarge)
Via: [] Header Image: [Scott Belsky – Founder of Behance]