A lot of the iPhone’s features are already monetized. There are apps that use pretty much everything the iPhone has to offer. If it’s not through an innovative app, you can be sure it is through a jailbreak app of some kind. However, there is one feature that has remained untouched since the iPhone was released, and that is the iPhone caller ID display. It has remained pretty much the same for each upgrade, and developers seem to have thought it was what it was, if you know what I mean.
The Brooklyn-based developers over at Thread have managed to find a truly innovative way to revamp and upgrade the iPhone caller ID display in a way that makes perfect sense in a world where social networking is everything. This intuitive and brilliant content management app makes sure you know exactly who is calling you, and where you can connect with him or her after the call is finished (or even during it). I have to say this is one of the most significant upgrades to the iPhone’s native feature park that I have seen in quite a while.
The iPhone caller ID display upgrade gives you the option to filter what information is shown and even lets you see the person’s Facebook or Twitter feed to further deepen your knowledge about who this person is, where he or she is from and what his or her profession is, just to name a few things. It’s pretty much a complete social media background check which is given to you in an instant, even before you pick up the phone to talk to the person. Not only that, but the iPhone caller ID display update also displays your most recent texts and emails to make sure you are fully prepared to pick up where you left it last time. If you are a busy person with plenty of things going on at the same time, this is a godsend feature.
I have to say that it’s not often I get excited over an iPhone app, but this caller ID display upgrade is making me speechless. I have so far just tapped the tip of the iceberg about what it can do, and I will continue to delve deeper into its secrets and features. The Thread app is available right now on the App Store and will only set you back a geeky $2.59. It’s a price that will most likely pay itself back within your first few calls. This is innovation. This is what we need.
Thread – iPhone Caller ID Display Upgrade App
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [psfk]