Apps For Autistic Children

Families that have children with autism face unique challenges in their daily lives. Thankfully, there are some phone apps that can help families with autistic children. These apps can help with learning, education, and safety for your family and autistic children. Here are some of the best mobile applications for families with autistic children.

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The Autism Education (AutEdu)

The Autism Education (AutEdu) application is an educational app that can also be used for behavioral intervention and promoting autism awareness. The application is currently only available in the google play store. This application helps track the behavioral patterns of autistic children and can be summarized in performance data that can be reviewed.

According to the experts at Autism Parenting Magazine, the AutEDu app can also help enhance the communication between families and their child’s teachers by allowing the teachers to see data in the autistic child’s life outside of school. If you have an autistic child that acts out at school you should consider reading more about this application as it can help teachers understand your autistic child better.

Autism iHelp – Sounds

One great app that can help your autistic child is called the Autism iHelp – Sounds app. This app can be found in the android store and the apple store. It currently has a 5-star rating and it only costs $2.99. The best part about this app is that it was designed by the parents of autistic children, so you know it was created by those who are familiar with autism.

This app used a combination of uses pictures and sounds to help teach the child how to say certain words. The Autism iHelp – Sounds App is a great learning tool for autistic children and can also help with auditory needs.

Find My Family, Friends & iPhone

This is a good app to have installed on your autistic child’s iPhone because it can help you locate your child in case they ever go missing. Unfortunately, children tend to run away sometimes and when your child has autism, it can make the situation even worse. If you install and enable the find my iPhone application on your child’s phone, you will be able to find them in the unfortunate event they run away. This application can be found in the apple store and is currently free.


This application can be found on the Google Play Store and currently has a 5-star rating. This application is a game that was designed specifically for children with autism. The game is fun and promotes a positive learning experience for the child, which is essential for children with autism. The game also takes into consideration the sensitivities of those with autism. The game does not include any cluttered graphics or distracting illustrations which can be triggers for autistic children.

Families with autistic children face unique challenges in their everyday lives. It can be difficult to keep your autistic child-focused and on track sometimes, but thankfully there are some mobile applications out there that can make things a little easier. If your family is affected by autism make sure you remember to look at the various mobile applications that have been specifically designed with autistic children in mind as they may be able to help navigate your day to day activities.

If you are interested in even more app-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

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