Author: Diana Adams
Diana has a passion for blogging. You can usually find Diana working in her home office in Atlanta or sitting in the corner of a downtown Starbucks somewhere with her mobile devices in one hand and a Grande Caramel Macchiato in the other. She loves Star Wars, hot chicken wings, and nice people.

The 5 Most Influential People in Mobile Tech
Laptop Magazine released their list of the 25 Most Influential People in Mobile Tech last month and it reads like a who's who of creative geniuses.

Most Outrageous Food Fight
I’ve been a writer on bitrebels for a month now. This is the first time I’ve posted something that could be considered completely random and a bi ...

Biggest Waterslide On Earth, Real or Hoax?
Three weeks ago, another wild and crazy video hit the internet like a freight train. Since that day, it has received over 2,600,000 views. What's al ...
Alyssa Milano Rocks On Twitter
It's always interesting to me to watch how celebrities use Twitter. As we all know, most celebrities tweet about one topic: Themselves. Although I, al ...
World Record For Most T-Shirts Worn At Once
A few weeks ago we posted an article here on bitrebels entitled "How to Fold a T-Shirt in 2 Seconds." I thought that article was great because it off ...
A Life Lesson Learned from Dolphins
Have you ever wondered how dolphins or some whales can see in the cloudy water where they swim? I recently learned that they use a technique called e ...
5 Resources For The Geek In You
When did being a geek become so cool? I remember a decade ago, it was considered offensive to call someone a geek, now it is almost a compliment. Be ...
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?
Felicia Day, known best for her webseries, The Guild, is an insanely creative risk-taker. Her webseries, now sponsored by Microsoft and Xbox Live, ju ...
Quentin Tarantino’s List of Top 20 Movies
A few days ago, on August 16th, Quentin Tarantino unveiled his list of "Top 20 movies since he started to direct in 1992." I've always had a deep res ...
How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath
I love garlic. I eat it every day. Therefore, I'm always paranoid about bad breath. But, how do we know for sure that we have bad breath? Sure, we ...
Help, I’m Sinking in Quicksand!
Have you ever had one of those childhood fears that you carried with you to adulthood, only to find out later that it was never true? I’ve been afr ...
The Ultimate Golf Simulator
Move over Tiger Woods! I was on holiday this week visiting family in my hometown. Part of my time at home always includes visits to some of the most ...
Have You Tried Seadragon? Demo It Here!
On the main page of the Seadragon website they say it all, "The aim of Seadragon is nothing less than to change the way we use screens, from wall-size ...
Why Do Some People Look Like Their Dog?
Have you ever noticed that some people look like their dog? Why is that? I've been pondering that question ever since I was six years old and fascin ...
3 Videos Highlighting the Miracle of Nature
We love time lapse videos here on bitrebels. Whether we are making them, teaching you how to make them, or finding wicked ones for your viewing pleas ...