Author: Diana Adams
Diana has a passion for blogging. You can usually find Diana working in her home office in Atlanta or sitting in the corner of a downtown Starbucks somewhere with her mobile devices in one hand and a Grande Caramel Macchiato in the other. She loves Star Wars, hot chicken wings, and nice people.

Cocktail Time: 9 Geeky Mixed Drinks Inspired By Pokémon Characters
It's always such a blast from the past to write about anything Pokémon related. Almost every geek I know goes through a Pokémon stage at one point, an ...

New Way To Taste Food: Smell It Through A Ridiculous Smartphone Add-On
This is so ridiculous, yet so creative. I've heard of people trying to lower the number of calories they eat, but this is taking it a bit too far I th ...

Meet The Real Woman Behind The Beloved Voice Of Siri
We've written so much about Siri lately. With the new iOS 7 Siri features, she's more useful than ever before. One thing I've never thought about is.. ...
10 Halloween Pumpkin Carvings That Look Like Pop Culture Works Of Art
Every year since Halloween of 2009, I've chosen some creative pumpkin designs to share here on Bit Rebels. Pumpkin carvings have always been an inspir ...
Nerd vs. Geek Epic Rap Battle Finally Sets The Record Straight [Video]
There have been countless debates about what distinguishes a geek from a nerd. I think it's silly really because true geeks don't have anything to pro ...
5 New Technologies To Help During A Zombie Apocalypse [Infographic]
Just when I thought writing about the zombie apocalypse was soooo 2012, everyone's getting all juiced up for the 4th season of The Walking Dead, which ...
10 Scientific Ways To Become Happier [Chart]
Just the other day we featured an infographic about a study that found a link between happiness and productivity. The researchers found that we can ge ...
How To Take Pictures In Burst Mode On Your iPhone With iOS 7 [Video]
I've really enjoyed writing about the new features in iOS 7. Since I'm one of the few people I know who uses Siri almost everyday, some of my favorite ...
15 Awe-Inspiring Double Rainbows From All Around The World
It's Friday afternoon. This has been a challenging week, and I'm excited the weekend will be here in seven hours, or at least that is when it will sta ...
Whoa..The Insane Profitability Of Popular Facebook Games [Infographic]
Whether you play Facebook games or not, I'm sure you are familiar with them. I prefer smartphone games to Facebook games, but I still get notification ...
Brush Your Teeth In 6 Seconds With Innovative 3D Printed Toothbrush
You probably brush your teeth every morning without even thinking about it. Every once in a while a high tech toothbrush is released, like the one tha ...
Confidence vs. Arrogance In Successful Entrepreneurs [Chart]
If there is one characteristic that is annoying when it comes to entrepreneurs, it's arrogance. It's tricky though because if you aren't self confiden ...
LEGO Calendar Hangs On The Wall Yet Synchronizes With Google Calendar
If you work with many people in a busy office, you know it's tough to organize everything and everyone. Everyone has a different schedule, and people ...
7 Reasons Why Your Mobile Email Campaign Is Failing [Infographic]
If you plan to run an email campaign for the holidays, there is still time to get started. You can even access this Holiday Email Marketing Schedule t ...
High Speed Envelopes Let You Leave A Trail Of Smoke When You Open Them
Sometimes the simplest designs are the most memorable. I don't get a lot of snail mail anymore, but every once in a while, I still get one of those en ...