Category: Lifestyle - Page 260

How To: Decide on the Best Halloween Costume

One of the most fun parts of Halloween is dressing up in costume. One of the most dreaded parts of Halloween is deciding what that costume will be. ...
Experience is the Best Teacher!

Experience is the Best Teacher!

For designers the best thing after your formal training is to actually jump in and learn the ropes by experiencing how it is to work in the real world ...
On The Road | Your Trip Book

On The Road | Your Trip Book

If you have friends like me who travel a lot.  Wouldn't be cool to see what he or she is up to through the duration of their trip.  Wouldn't it be nic ...
A Rain Forest you’ve never seen before

A Rain Forest you’ve never seen before

In my personal art, I love to manipulate everyday objects, taking them out of their original context and therefore transforming their meaning. When I ...
A Hooligan Turned Hero

A Hooligan Turned Hero

We all read the stories about drunk drivers. They make us hug our children and cringe. This story has a refreshing twist to that usual reaction. ...
Is Stress Getting the Better of You? Relax!

Is Stress Getting the Better of You? Relax!

Are you prone to  irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and elevated heart r ...
Life is a Game of Inches

Life is a Game of Inches

In one of the most inspirational videos of all time, Al Pacino says something very profound. He says, “Life is a game of inches.” This is true. Eve ...
Learn To Cook With Your Iphone

Learn To Cook With Your Iphone

I like eating and I just don't like the cooking part of the process.   I can cook but it doesn't come naturally with me, unlike other people I know wh ...
D.O.G. Pet Boutique

D.O.G. Pet Boutique

When I was a young girl, I loved to dress up my dog, Duke, an English Setter, who let me do just about anything to him, without moving much more than ...
Trendy Work of Art for Your Kitchen

Trendy Work of Art for Your Kitchen

When decorating your home, make sure that the kitchen is not taken for granted.  I love cooking and preparing food for my kids when I can and I think ...
Goal-Setting: Let’s Play 15 Questions

Goal-Setting: Let’s Play 15 Questions

Someone once said to me, “The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.” It’s so true. We’ve all r ...
Self Control! Do You Have It?

Self Control! Do You Have It?

The Marshmallow Test.  Simple aid to help parents determine if their kids have emotional intelligence.  Here is a fun  video about kids placed in a ro ...
Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

Grow Your Own Meat and Fish in a Cocoon

If you had the ability to grow your own meat and fish in a device that looks like something you'd buy off of a George Foreman infomercial, would you? ...

10 Signs: Change Is Happening in Your Life

In 2007 I went to the Republic of Panama to hear a group of inspirational leaders teach an advanced personal development seminar about change as it re ...
Welcome a New Pet Into Your Home!

Welcome a New Pet Into Your Home!

Welcome a new pet into your home. EyePet is a game for the PlayStation 3, which was announced at the 2008 Games Convention in Leipzig and again at E3 ...
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