Author: Christian Collard

A guru of the graphics: designer, printer, marketer, & photographer. Christian publishes several websites including , and . Christian is a geek, joker, technology-buff and a married father of 3. Chat with him on Twitter @bluecollard.

Twitterview | Getting to Know People on Twitter

I was asked recently to be the subject in a live online twitterview. I was honored that anyone was interested in learning more about me and what I had ...
25 Creative Twitter Backgrounds (that work)

25 Creative Twitter Backgrounds (that work)

I love coming across a truly creative background on Twitter. With each new follower, I take the time to check out the background art (along with bi ...
How to Effectively w00t

How to Effectively w00t

If you are on Twitter, are a geek, a gamer, or following any of us Rebels, you have heard and probably even used the word "w00t!" Its a term that is T ...
Go Elf Yourself!

Go Elf Yourself!

You heard me... Go Elf Yourself! Last year OfficeMax started a viral marketing campaign where you could upload an image of your own face into an an ...

7 Things NOT Said at the First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love getting together with family to share a large feast and playing "how many belt buckle holes I can drop". A ...
Google Wave: A Dizzy Business Meeting

Google Wave: A Dizzy Business Meeting

Recently, we had our first BitRebels business meeting on Google Wave. Although, I am not sure how much "business" was being conducted with the dizzine ...
How To Beat Your Friends at Bejeweled Blitz

How To Beat Your Friends at Bejeweled Blitz

There are not many games I play on Facebook, I just cant find the time. However, there is one game I do play called Bejeweled Blitz because it only la ...
Darn You Facebook Games!

Darn You Facebook Games!

Do you know what I hate? Facebook games. Do you know what I hate more than Facebook games? Updates from Facebook games that your friends just ...
A New Hero Is Coming (in HD)

A New Hero Is Coming (in HD)

Its a bird, its a plane, its.... a dude with a little camera attached to his helmet! Check out this new digital camera being released this fall. Th ...
Art Meets IT

Art Meets IT

I came across these sculptures while searching for IT monsters (dont ask). The works, Technology versus Organic Life, was created by German artist Mat ...
The Awesomeness of Root Beer

The Awesomeness of Root Beer

This is a follow-up to a follow-up. You dedicated Bit Rebels readers will know where this is going. Move Over Pepsi, Coke is on BitRebels & Awesom ...
Jay Leno’s Sweet New Ride

Jay Leno’s Sweet New Ride

Its good to be Jay Leno. Along with his recent success in a new prime-time weekday comedy spot (The Jay Leno Show), Mr. Leno now has a sweet new high- ...
Check out my Butt-Sled

Check out my Butt-Sled

I love and hate snow sledding. The preparation to the 12 seconds of thrill is the worst part. First you need to climb up the hill in a foot of snow. I ...
And Mashable’s Award Goes To…

And Mashable’s Award Goes To…

Get out your best suit or fancy dress, Mashable's 2009 Open Web Awards are under way. Ok, forget the suit... its a social media thing which means you ...
Email: Did you mean THAT Bob?

Email: Did you mean THAT Bob?

Many of us have done, and those who have not at least sweat a drop or two thinking you may have done it... sent an email to the wrong recipient. Go ...
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