Google Goggle for Android Phones
Google Goggles is a visual search app for Android phones. Instead of using words, take a picture of an object with your camera phone: we attempt to re ...
Twitter Content Discovery Tool |Pluggio
Real time information is very important nowadays. As you know, majority of people very active online get their info from either FaceBook or Twitter ...
10 Acts of Twitter Kindness
We would all like to know how to give and receive Twitter acts of kindness, right? I've been on Twitter for almost a year now and I don't regret it fo ...
The Best Gifts For Your Geek This Holiday
It's that time of year again. That time where we all look at the calendar and say "Oh Crap, I have a few weeks to make it seem that I am thoughtful by ...
How To: Stay Creative When Facing Deadlines
If you are a designer, a writer, an artist or in any creative field, then you’ve been in the situation where you’ve had to be creative while at the sa ...
Water Babies, a dreamy tale
Zena Holloway is best known for her dreamy underwater photographs of celebs, supermodels and athletes. Her images are highly sought after by magazines ...
Awesome Window Installation!
Here is a brilliant way a designer has incorporated movement and expression with fashion.
Based on a window display he first presented in 2004, the ...
5 Tips on How to Create an Effective Online Portfolio
Came across a You Tube video a tablet demo where The Wonderfactory collaborated with Times Inc on how best to use this piece of gadget called the SI ...
How to collaboratively write a blog post using Google Wave
Richard Darell: So, I invited my friend and colleague Fernando Fonseca (@fjfonseca) to try a new approach when writing articles for Bit Rebels. So far ...
8 Tips for Spotting a Spam Twitter Follower
By now, we all know not to click on links in DM. We also know that there is a new army of Britney bots that is upgraded and now showing up in our men ...
Personalize Your Greeting (e)Cards via Video
I like receiving eCards most specially when they are personally made for me. Shows you that the one sending it, made such an effort to make you smile ...
Geek Speak | How to upgrade your Webslang to Web 2.0
After watching and reading the highly interesting post by Susan Elaine Cooper "Do Not Feed The Trolls" I was inspired to find out how everyone can get ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’
I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
Flock Draw | Collaborative Drawing Tool
Brainstorming online is made possible thanks to the passionate developers who come up with tools that everyone can use to collaborate. Here is one co ...
When a Kindle review goes wrong the right way
Alright, so I was set on putting more effort into learning more about the Kindle and what it was all about. I can honestly say that I haven't spent en ...