Installation Art | in your living room

Installation Art | in your living room

For those of you who love other people's apartments, but don't know what to do with your own, this post is for you : ) You don't need to hire a sty ...
How to: Start A Party with Thousands of Guests!

How to: Start A Party with Thousands of Guests!

I love flash mobs, I think its one cool way to make a statement. A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, pe ...
Grafitti – Art of Outlaws | Time Lapse

Grafitti – Art of Outlaws | Time Lapse

I don't claim to know or understand the lifestyle and culture of graffiti artists but I can say this. I am ultimately inspired by the many awesome pie ...
We Are The Borg. You Will Be Assimilated.

We Are The Borg. You Will Be Assimilated.

I am a super huge Star Trek fan. I watch old episodes of Star Trek Voyager almost every night before I go to sleep. This article is a tribute to eve ...

The Falcon

As you know, I love stop-motion films. You may not know that I have a background in Sculpture, with a focus on metal casting and found objects.  I lov ...
More RC fun – but on your PC!

More RC fun – but on your PC!

Yes the whole remote controlled idea is coming back again and again.  Now the World RC Car Racing community is pretty big, they have their own events ...
How to Upload Video on You Tube

How to Upload Video on You Tube

You have watched hundreds or even thousands of videos on You Tube. And now you feel that it's time to make your own video and share it with your frien ...
Feedly! Cool Stylish Start Page

Feedly! Cool Stylish Start Page

If you are using FireFox you would certainly have heard of the different tools available to you as add-ons to make your internet experience more effic ...
Digital Novel? What is the Buzz About?!!

Digital Novel? What is the Buzz About?!!

Do you like reading suspense type, crime solving themed novels? Or are you the type who would rather just watch a series on TV or movie? Well, here is ...
Interactive Fashion Runway

Interactive Fashion Runway

I love fashion, and its always a treat to watch the models strut the runway!  Found a cool site UNIQLO that actually houses a virtual ramp. Real ...
68 Hot Dogs in 10 Mins – New World Record!

68 Hot Dogs in 10 Mins – New World Record!

Joey Chestnut describes himself as a “professional eater.” After all, you don’t become the new hot dog eating world record holder by chance! It takes ...
Spray Paint Design | Making The Wall

Spray Paint Design | Making The Wall

What do you think of when you hear the words "Spray Paint"? I bet you're thinking about Graffiti and malicious tagging. Am I wrong? Well, spray paint ...

Build Your Own MacBook for $425

I love my iMac, but sometimes I would like to have it with me when I'm away from home. Like many people, I think that a MacBook is a bit pricey. I'm ...

Helvetica vs Arial

I can't get enough of these hilarious vids at College Humor. While most are incredibly funny, others can run a little on the slim side of crass. This ...
Typolution | Best Typography Short Movie Ever

Typolution | Best Typography Short Movie Ever

As I was compiling an article about typography and it's origins I stumbled over this amazing looking and genius short movie. It depicts human evolutio ...
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