Search query: conference

Future Gaming Technology Will Blow Your Mind [Video]

Future Gaming Technology Will Blow Your Mind [Video]

If you want to see how fast technology is evolving, one of the easiest ways to visualize it is to follow the developments in gaming. Just a few days ...
SXSW By The Numbers: Complete Statistics Overview [Infographic]

SXSW By The Numbers: Complete Statistics Overview [Infographic]

As most people probably know, SXSW is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.  I must admit that even though I am heavily involved in the music in ...
7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

I remember back in the day (2009), I wrote many articles about how to build real friendships in social media. Back then; people were skeptical that i ...
Inspiring Offices: Bubble Desk Landscape Interior Design

Inspiring Offices: Bubble Desk Landscape Interior Design

Offices around the world are starting to realize that having an inspiring environment will make people work harder and be happier while doing it.  Som ...

5 Online Tools & Gadgets For Those Far Away From Home!

It has been almost a month now that I have been away from home.  For me, home is Manila, Philippines, but right now my temporary home is in Cincinnati ...
Twitter Paper Toy: For The Seriously Addicted Tweeps

Twitter Paper Toy: For The Seriously Addicted Tweeps

So what does it mean to be addicted to Twitter? That's a question many people have tried to answer. The scale has many ratings and what seems like p ...
Recycle Those License Plates Into Retro Bowls!

Recycle Those License Plates Into Retro Bowls!

Recycling is important nowadays and people are very conscious of how they dispose of their unwanted belongings. This is, of course, thanks to the man ...
Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Earlier this week, I coordinated a luncheon to serve the homeless men and women in Atlanta. Because working with the homeless is a cause that is impor ...
Signs of Life: What Makes You Feel Alive?

Signs of Life: What Makes You Feel Alive?

What makes you feel alive in your life? What are those things that make your heart beat fast and let you know that you are actually alive? Those mom ...
5 Reasons To Blog With Passion!

5 Reasons To Blog With Passion!

Last weekend I attended a Word Camp. It was good to see so many people who are active in blogging here in the Philippines. I was even fortunate enou ...
CloudFlare: Most Innovative Company According to TechCrunch

CloudFlare: Most Innovative Company According to TechCrunch

Have you heard of CloudFlare yet? They won the award for the most innovative company at TechCrunch's Disrupt Conference this year. According to the ...
USB Super Hub: 16-Port Mega Monster Connector!

USB Super Hub: 16-Port Mega Monster Connector!

If you are like me, you have bucket loads of USB memory sticks that you've gotten for free when attending release parties, conferences and other venue ...
iPad Gets A REAL Camera – Face Time Goes Large

iPad Gets A REAL Camera – Face Time Goes Large

It was a huge setback when Apple announced that the iPad wouldn't have a camera. At least there wouldn't be a camera on this generation of the iPad. ...
All You Need Is Love Project – Biggest Sing Along In The World!

All You Need Is Love Project – Biggest Sing Along In The World!

One of my favorite case studies is the "All You Need is Love" project created by one of our offices abroad for Starbucks. This was presented to us in ...

The Future of Social Networking and Social Norms

Thanks @leahbesajimenez for allowing me attend a social networking conference last week. The conference was attended by those who wanted to learn mor ...
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