Search query: addiction

The Dangers Of Taking Adderall To Be More Productive

The Dangers Of Taking Adderall To Be More Productive

Adderall uses a combination of dextroamphetamines and amphetamine to stimulate the brain and nervous system. People with ADHD take the medication to b ...
End Of The Love Story Or Just 3-Year Itch?

End Of The Love Story Or Just 3-Year Itch?

According to studies by sociologists and family counselors, each family goes through several stages of development, and the transition from one to ano ...
Online Gambling Moves Technology Forward

Online Gambling Moves Technology Forward

Usually, we think of gambling as of a harmful activity that has nothing in common with anything beneficial whatsoever. But the times are changing, and ...
Stoptober – Is October The Perfect Time To Quit Smoking?

Stoptober – Is October The Perfect Time To Quit Smoking?

For the past seven years, people have taken on the Stoptober challenge. In this post, we’ll take a look at what Stoptober is, whether you can still at ...
4 Under-The-Radar Health Risks Modern Professionals Face

4 Under-The-Radar Health Risks Modern Professionals Face

It’s sometimes easy to lose track of what’s really essential in life. Work obligations, social functions, diversionary interests –– none can match the ...
How To Stay Healthy When You’re A Busy Woman

How To Stay Healthy When You’re A Busy Woman

When you lead a busy life, it’s easy to lose track of the time you make for yourself. And when you’re a woman, it often feels like everyone’s always e ...
How To Know If Your Loved One Has A Mental Illness And What To Do

How To Know If Your Loved One Has A Mental Illness And What To Do

Are you concerned that your loved one is experiencing a tough time? Sometimes people experience rough patches in their life that lead them down a rabb ... Review – Problem Gambling Tool Or Scam? Review – Problem Gambling Tool Or Scam?

Entertainment, socialization and earning money are some of the perceived perks of gambling. However, there are many people who simply can’t stop think ...
If Your Loved One Is An Addict – Here’s What You Should Do

If Your Loved One Is An Addict – Here’s What You Should Do

It's hard to see a loved one going down, especially if we’re talking about addiction. Drugs affect about 23 million people in the US. These people nee ...
7 Ways To Have A  Healthy Relationship With Social Mediа

7 Ways To Have A Healthy Relationship With Social Mediа

It is safe to say we all know someone connected to social media. If you are reading this, you are also probably connected to one of the major social m ...
Why Cranking Out Content Like A Machine Is A Bad Blogging Strategy

Why Cranking Out Content Like A Machine Is A Bad Blogging Strategy

You want a blog that people can’t stop talking about, posts that go viral, and massive traffic generated through word of mouth by influencers. That’s ...
Advances In Telemedicine – 4 Applications Transforming Healthcare

Advances In Telemedicine – 4 Applications Transforming Healthcare

Telemedicine, the use of digital consultations and appointments to deliver healthcare to those who might otherwise lack access to specialized treatmen ...
What To Do If You Think Your Teen Is On Drugs

What To Do If You Think Your Teen Is On Drugs

About 35% of seniors in high school have smoked pot in the last year, according to The Recovery Village. Nearly a quarter of all American high school ...
5 Great & Different Ways To Quit Smoking

5 Great & Different Ways To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is hard. Deciding to quit smoking is even harder. So, if you have successfully planned to give up on smoking, you have actually won h ...
6 Reasons To Install A Parental Control App For Your Kids

6 Reasons To Install A Parental Control App For Your Kids

Kids and adults alike are glued to the smartphone nowadays. The generation of today colloquially termed as the “iGeneration”, sees most of the childre ...
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