Search query: advertising

Apple| Think Different!

Apple| Think Different!

Here is a challenge. To think differently, there are days when you feel that you have an idea and yet its something that goes beyond the norm. You f ...
Black and White Photographs set in Motion | Animatics

Black and White Photographs set in Motion | Animatics

Here is a Promo Idea for the London 2012 Olympics using the proverb 'Home is where the heart is.' With stylized black & white photography of athle ...
SuperBowl Top 11 Funny Commercials in 2009

SuperBowl Top 11 Funny Commercials in 2009

Did you know that companies pay high price for commercials to be aired on the SuperBowl because of it's high viewership? In a report that came out las ...

Photoshop for Copywriters

CopyBox is the Photoshop for Copywriters.  CopyBox is the first word processor created with the digital copywriter in mind, that makes ...
Awesome Pepsi Soccer Commercials

Awesome Pepsi Soccer Commercials

I love commercials, to the point of taking up advertising arts  in college.   I love the process when creating them and also enjoy producing them when ...
Bold Anti-Smoking ads

Bold Anti-Smoking ads

Gone are the days of the sexy Marlboro Man, who made smoking appealing, manly and part of the cowboy way. Tobacco advertising is one of the most highl ...
140 Conf – Twitterific!

140 Conf – Twitterific!

Everyday now on Twitter you see the word 140 Conf on your stream. What is it really you may ask? Well did a bit of digging and here are the interest ...
Extraordinary Ad

Extraordinary Ad

I've been exposed to commercials, had my share of producing and collaborating with the best Directors, production managers, cameramen, talents.  Real ...
My 3 Favorite Sites to Play Music on Twitter

My 3 Favorite Sites to Play Music on Twitter

Music is one big source of inspiration for me, helps me relax.  Puts me in the mood for work.  Cheers me up when I feel blue.  But since most of my ti ...
How to Create A Profile Page on FaceBook

How to Create A Profile Page on FaceBook

Created a profile page for Mistygirlph on FaceBook so that I could interact and share what i learn and what others have shared with me on a more exten ...
The Man Behind @Mashable

The Man Behind @Mashable

On Twitter, one of the most Re Tweeted on social media  news and information is the ones that are  tweeted by @mashable .  But have you ever wondered ...
iJustine: From Geek to Internet Celebrity

iJustine: From Geek to Internet Celebrity

Forget going from rags to riches, the hot story these days is going from geek to internet celebrity. Justine Ezarik, a 25-year-old video blogger an ...
Facebook, Twitter, Xbox 360, Wii and Sony Evolve

Facebook, Twitter, Xbox 360, Wii and Sony Evolve

This year at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June, they announced that Facebook and Twitter apps would be coming to Xbox 360. Since then, J ...
Cool Ad Treatments| Inspiration

Cool Ad Treatments| Inspiration

Clutter is one problem that a brand has to overcome to succeed in getting consumer attention.  So many ads are produced and aired everyday. Getting ...
Resealable Soda Can

Resealable Soda Can

The Soda Seal concept was invented by Johan de Broyer of Ukraine and co-inventor, Robert Davis of Davis Advertising. Robert is credited with design an ...
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