Search query: animal

Mama Birds Feeding Baby Birds: 8 Heart Warming Photos

Mama Birds Feeding Baby Birds: 8 Heart Warming Photos

I remember earlier this year when the webcam recording that family of bald eagles in Iowa went viral. Back then we were all waiting for that third egg ...
The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

When I was a kid, we had a crap load of animals in my house. We had cats, dogs, birds, turtles... well, you name it and we probably had it at some poi ...
The Inflatable Turkey: For People Short On Time This Season

The Inflatable Turkey: For People Short On Time This Season

Are you too busy to cook? Are you like me, and you work all day and night before and after each holiday just to get all your work finished? Do you dre ...
Check Into Foursquare By Marking Your Territory (Like A Dog)

Check Into Foursquare By Marking Your Territory (Like A Dog)

As Richard often points out in his articles, people send us emails each day of interesting things you guys might like. We love it that when our reader ...
Kablaam: Kid Feels The Retribution Of A Cat Face Slam

Kablaam: Kid Feels The Retribution Of A Cat Face Slam

When I was a little kid, someone once told me that being a grown up is never easy. I kept on pondering that statement throughout the years thinking qu ...
Sweaters For Penguins: The World Responds To An Urgent Call

Sweaters For Penguins: The World Responds To An Urgent Call

Sometimes the world can be a cruel and harsh place to live in, especially if you are an animal that constantly has to battle disasters that us humans ...
Largest Balloon Sculpture In The World Is A Spider

Largest Balloon Sculpture In The World Is A Spider

I remember as a kid I stumbled over those clowns at amusement parks who had balloon hats and were freakishly and constantly smiling. It was about the ...
Creative Poodle Art: An Extreme Form Of Dog Grooming

Creative Poodle Art: An Extreme Form Of Dog Grooming

This definitely gets the WTF award for the day. I've seen a lot of crazy things since I've been a writer here, and rarely am I speechless about anythi ...

Turning Snakes Into Handbags: The Disturbing Process In 10 Pics

I'm going to take this opportunity to do what I rarely do, and that is break away from the regular topics we write about on Bit Rebels to share with y ...
Photography: What Would You Take If Your House Was On Fire?

Photography: What Would You Take If Your House Was On Fire?

I know this is a horrible thought, but if your house was on fire and you only had time to grab a few things before you got out, what would you take? I ...
Wear Your Lunch: A Trendy & Tasty Jewelry Collection

Wear Your Lunch: A Trendy & Tasty Jewelry Collection

Haven't you always wanted to wear a hot pink chicken wing necklace, a bacon bracelet or a whipped cream and cherry ring? Me neither, but apparently so ...
Upcycled Vintage Gear: The Ultimate Pet Bed Upgrade

Upcycled Vintage Gear: The Ultimate Pet Bed Upgrade

Have you ever come across those people who treat their pets like royalty? Maybe you are even one of those people who constantly tries to make your pet ...
The World’s Most Shocking Beer (Made With Roadkill)

The World’s Most Shocking Beer (Made With Roadkill)

For some people, this article might be downright disturbing. This has got to be one of the biggest "WTFs" I've ever written about. Each one of the bot ...
Become A Sexy Beast With A Bushy Tail & Fuzzy Ears

Become A Sexy Beast With A Bushy Tail & Fuzzy Ears

These tails and hats definitely get the wacko award for the day, but hey, I'd wear them. I've always had a secret fantasy about growing up and becomin ...
Unique Photography: Dogs Shake Off Water In Slow Motion

Unique Photography: Dogs Shake Off Water In Slow Motion

If you are a dog lover, the pictures in this post are guaranteed to make you look twice. They will give you the perfect little three-minute break from ...
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