Search query: apple

What We Want The Perfect Smartphone To Look Like

What We Want The Perfect Smartphone To Look Like

Most young people, especially those aged between 15 and 28 years old, are addicted to smartphones. Apart from communication and entertainment, smartph ...
Clever Ways To Stay Entertained On Your Daily Commute

Clever Ways To Stay Entertained On Your Daily Commute

Engage. Control. Enjoy! By embracing the evolution of mobile technology-driven via your smartphone, your daily commute to work doesn’t have to be a st ...
5 Super Affordable Ways To Buy The Latest Smartphone

5 Super Affordable Ways To Buy The Latest Smartphone

Are you Looking to upgrade your Smartphone with a latest one? It is not necessary to break your bank in order to buy the latest smartphone. There are ...
These 6 Gadgets & Apps Are Actually Good For Your Health

These 6 Gadgets & Apps Are Actually Good For Your Health

Day in and day out, we’re surrounded by technological temptation: insidious advertising, distracting apps, distressing social media banter. Isn’t it t ...
4 Things That Every Mobile App Needs To Be Addictive

4 Things That Every Mobile App Needs To Be Addictive

App Annie, a mobile insights company, estimates that Android users will download 170 billion apps in 2018 alone, spending over $50 billion. Statista, ...
Great Guide On How To Make A Home Studio

Great Guide On How To Make A Home Studio

Recording a song, perhaps your first song is a very exciting time but can also feel quite overwhelming. Do you have the right equipment? Have you prac ...
9 Ways To Improve Your Mac Computer’s Privacy

9 Ways To Improve Your Mac Computer’s Privacy

Have you ever searched for a certain product on the Internet? Ever noticed how an ad for that product seems to haunt your screen no matter what site y ...
Test Your Knowledge And Make Profits – Top 3 Trivia Apps

Test Your Knowledge And Make Profits – Top 3 Trivia Apps

Socrates spoke the ever-famous words – “the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”, a piece of advice betraying the limitations of human kno ...
Easy Ways To Download YouTube To MP3 Video Converters On Desktop, iPhone & Android

Easy Ways To Download YouTube To MP3 Video Converters On Desktop, iPhone & Android

If you are a person who likes to travel a lot, you know how boring long distances can be. No matter if you travel on national or international routes, ...
Evolution Of Barcodes – From Dark Times To Lights Of Amazon Go

Evolution Of Barcodes – From Dark Times To Lights Of Amazon Go

Practically everything we buy today is labeled with a barcode. Food items in corner shops, apparel, and accessories, orders on Amazon — the use of bar ...
How To Take A Step Into The Future With  Wireless Displays

How To Take A Step Into The Future With  Wireless Displays

Wires have always been a minor annoyance, but to remove them completely is a different ball game. Recent studies have shown that people tend to work b ...
15 Drinks That You Need To Try Before You Leave College

15 Drinks That You Need To Try Before You Leave College

If you’re in college or planning to join one, you can make your life more fascinating by trying the different drinks whenever you find yourself in a c ...
Kase – Instigating Innovation Into Smartphone Case Industry With World’s Thinnest Covers

Kase – Instigating Innovation Into Smartphone Case Industry With World’s Thinnest Covers

Time to Bid Farewell to Bulky, Unattractive Phone Cases. Thin is definitely In whether it is personal physique or mobile phones. So, why should you ke ...
Scary Facts About Smartphone Addiction & Usage

Scary Facts About Smartphone Addiction & Usage

Nowadays, it is not surprising to find a couple of friends seated together yet detached from each other. This is because they are busy with what’s hap ...
1 Billion More Phones Than Humans – New Study From BankMyCell

1 Billion More Phones Than Humans – New Study From BankMyCell

A recent study focused on the global level of mobile phone penetration has yielded many interesting statistics and facts. According to BankMyCell’s la ...
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