Search query: art

Augmented Reality Gives 3D Street Art A 4th Dimension

Augmented Reality Gives 3D Street Art A 4th Dimension

As technology evolves, the art in the world is getting ever more interactive. It's an intriguing thought, and one that has been pondered for a while n ...
Traditional Publicity vs. Content Marketing [Chart]

Traditional Publicity vs. Content Marketing [Chart]

Content marketing continues to be a hot topic as more and more brands find creative ways to distribute valuable content and establish themselves as le ...
The Juice Box Smartphone Charger Will Get Your Juices Flowing

The Juice Box Smartphone Charger Will Get Your Juices Flowing

There have been a lot of creative smartphone chargers released over the years, but this is the first time I've seen one packaged in a juice box. These ...
Ultimate Startup Cheat Sheet For Inspired Entrepreneurs [Flowchart]

Ultimate Startup Cheat Sheet For Inspired Entrepreneurs [Flowchart]

I am sure most of you have at some point had an idea that you thought could become a huge success. Whether it was a product or a service doesn't matte ...
Touchscreen Braille Smartphone For Visually Impaired Techies

Touchscreen Braille Smartphone For Visually Impaired Techies

Wouldn't it be nice if visually impaired people around the world could get to feel the same feeling you got the first time you experienced a smartphon ...
Steering Wheel Drum Machine Turns Your Boring Ride Into A Party

Steering Wheel Drum Machine Turns Your Boring Ride Into A Party

When you're driving long distances, do you ever think about how boring it gets? Treading mile after mile while just listening to music can be quite la ...
2013 Trends: The Current Content Marketing Landscape [Chart]

2013 Trends: The Current Content Marketing Landscape [Chart]

One of the biggest trends in online marketing now is content marketing. About a year ago when content marketing became a popular buzzword, many people ...
Useful Smartphone Apps For Small Business Owners [Infographic]

Useful Smartphone Apps For Small Business Owners [Infographic]

More and more small business owners are running their businesses from smartphones. This trend is most likely going to increase since 74% of teenagers ...
9 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur: Recognize Some Of Them? [Chart]

9 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur: Recognize Some Of Them? [Chart]

There are many characteristics of an entrepreneur, and since every person is different, we don't all have the same ones. The reason I like this chart ...
Neo-Plug Utilizes Magnets To Easier Connect Smartphone Charger Cables

Neo-Plug Utilizes Magnets To Easier Connect Smartphone Charger Cables

Charging smartphones has become big business for innovators all around the world. I think you all know what I am talking about when I mention stuff li ...
7 Billion: Every Single Person In The World Represented On One Chart

7 Billion: Every Single Person In The World Represented On One Chart

When our brains think about huge numbers, sometimes they are hard to conceptualize. Take the debt in the United States for example. It's hard to visua ...
The Smart Wallet Keeps Track Of Your Phone & Your Wallet

The Smart Wallet Keeps Track Of Your Phone & Your Wallet

It seems the most common reason why people either lose their smartphones or their wallets is because they forget to take them with them when they leav ...
Pickpocketing With Chopsticks: The Trendy Way To Steal A Smartphone

Pickpocketing With Chopsticks: The Trendy Way To Steal A Smartphone

I've heard of creative pickpocketing techniques to steal smartphones, but this is the first I've heard of pickpocketing a smartphone via chopsticks. I ...
Smart Belt Keeps Your Credit Cards & Valuables Safe

Smart Belt Keeps Your Credit Cards & Valuables Safe

I think I read about pickpocket thieves at least once a week these days. They are spreading and certainly creating havoc in unsuspecting people's live ...
Startup Failure Insight: Industry Projections Until 2017 [Infographic]

Startup Failure Insight: Industry Projections Until 2017 [Infographic]

As you know from all the articles we've written about entrepreneurship, we are the first to cheer on anyone who follows their dreams and decides to ta ...
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