Search query: beauty

A Retro Arcade Cabinet With An iPhone Dock!
Now this is something that I would put in my office. I would use it every day for sure, and it probably would be a huge work distraction. The geek f ...

This HD Phone Breaks All Boundaries – Design Fetish
We're getting used to the fact that the cell phones of today are pretty much coming from the same companies over and over again. There is not much ne ...
5 Traits You Will Find Common To Almost All Twitter Addicts
Twitter is a social networking platform that has people online 24/7. Even while you sleep, people will continue to communicate and share. There are ...

App Magnets – Yes, We Have A Magnet For That!
I miss my iPhone. I need to get it fixed soon. I love that I never had a boring moment when I had it. It's a good thing I still have my iPod Touch. ...

How To: Mend A Broken Heart
People have been coming up to me and telling me how much strength I have. Well, to be quite honest, I am just like any other person who has gone thro ...
How To: Build Your Own DIY SuperMacro Camera Lens
It's time to get real geeky for a while. Geeky to the point where I don't even have the slightest idea how to present, describe or even begin to guid ...

The World’s Cheapest and Slowest Porsche GT3!
As a kid, I was heavily impressed with the look and speed of the Porsche 911. I silently watched as they drove by every now and then and admired thei ...
The 24ct Gold Apple iPad – For The Sophisticated Geek
We all kinda knew this was coming, right? Funny, I'm not much of a gold girl. I prefer silver and platinum. This iPad looks a little gaudy to me. ...
3 Possible Reasons Why People Are Ignoring Your Tweets
There are so many people getting on Twitter these days, and more and more are either learning the beauty of Twitter or getting frustrated with it. Th ...

World’s Biggest KitKat Bar – Only 45,888 Calories!
Being on a strict diet is sometimes the hardest thing you can do. Going grocery shopping is just hell on earth when you have to pass through those ai ...

Sony Unveils Genius Roll-Up OLED Screen Of The Future!
There is a race going on between the manufacturers of TVs and displays. The one to first deliver something unique and inspirational for us all to loo ...
Industrial Velcro Will Bring New Uses To Your iPad
Many things will never become as versatile as the iPad. It's just a bundle of awesomeness that is only limited by the number of apps you put on it. ...

Spatial Hand Gesture Water Faucet – Pure Awesomeness
When everything is based around the touching of things these days, it's not hard to predict what will come in terms of home appliances. So many thing ...

The World As Seen Through Bubbles!
I love blogging. I see the world differently because of it. However, not only differently, but I should say, I literally became aware of everything ...

Beautiful Images Inspired by Rain
It has been so hot here in the Philippines lately that we have been praying for rain. Rain can evoke a lot of feelings within us including nostalgia, ...