Search query: business

Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Everyone loves a good story, right? I can't count how many times I've "zoned out" during a presentation of some flavor, and my ears perked up right af ...
Obama Toast Design: Eat The President For Breakfast

Obama Toast Design: Eat The President For Breakfast

I am thinking of having Obama over for breakfast, but don't worry, the Secret Service will not be requiring background checks or patting us down for t ...
8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

I guess I'm in a little bit of a devious mood today because writing about how to tell a good lie isn't normally my style. This just caught my eye as s ...
Find Your Photo’s Source With TinEye

Find Your Photo’s Source With TinEye

Admittedly, this isn't the sort of thing I'd usually blog about... but hey, it's information everybody can use - particularly bloggers. See, there's t ...
Why Foursquare Is Worth Watching In 2012

Why Foursquare Is Worth Watching In 2012

Whether we use it or not, we're all familiar with Foursquare. Over the past year though, I think this site has emerged with the greatest "it" facto ...
Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

Badass Twitter Women Update: It’s Time To Get Inspired! #BA75

It's hard to believe that it is already January 2, and today as I looked over the 2,081 posts that I've written since Bit Rebels launched in 2009, I d ...
Elephants Play Soccer & Enter Beauty Pageant In Nepal

Elephants Play Soccer & Enter Beauty Pageant In Nepal

Whenever I hear about a festival that celebrates animals, it always pulls at my heartstrings. I love when people find new ways to interact and include ...
5 Twitter Resolutions You Might Consider Making

5 Twitter Resolutions You Might Consider Making

Now that the holidays are over, it's time to look forward to 2012. While most of us make promises to ourselves that we'll lose weight, quit smoking, o ...
The World’s Longest Receipt (Over 3,000 Items!)

The World’s Longest Receipt (Over 3,000 Items!)

This is one of those stories that will warm your heart. The wonderful people at Store Buyout heard that Hercules, the owner of a little grocery store ...
Themed Restaurants: The Freakiest Places You Have Ever Seen

Themed Restaurants: The Freakiest Places You Have Ever Seen

To some people, visiting a restaurant is mostly an activity associated with business meetings, while for others, it's a way to make the weekends just ...
Social Media Dating On Flights: Choose Your Seat Mate On Facebook

Social Media Dating On Flights: Choose Your Seat Mate On Facebook

Finally! Now there's a way to make sure we get to sit next to the hot guy on our flight instead of the crying baby. Our seat assignment is no longer a ...
Strung Up Button Objects Infuse Insane Wow Factor

Strung Up Button Objects Infuse Insane Wow Factor

Being a professional artist today has to be one of the hardest businesses to be in since there are so many artists out there who are coming up with ne ...
10 Financial Lessons Learned From Napkin Sketches

10 Financial Lessons Learned From Napkin Sketches

Have you ever been so bored in a restaurant or at a bar that you started doodling on a napkin? I've done it many times, but usually my napkin sketches ...
Google: The Ultimate Numbers Bomb [Infographic]

Google: The Ultimate Numbers Bomb [Infographic]

Everyone knows that Google is heavily successful in most of their endeavors. They tend to have a sense of what people are most interested in. Sure, th ...
The Difference Between Lego & Playmobil

The Difference Between Lego & Playmobil

Alright, I don't think it is a secret that we here at Bit Rebels love everything Lego. We constantly do our best to bring you the very latest in build ...
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