Search query: car

The Filthiest Tweets On Twitter: State By State [Infographic]

The Filthiest Tweets On Twitter: State By State [Infographic]

Ever since Twitter first started, the service has been filled with people who want to blast the world with their thoughts. However, sometimes the lang ...
Off Pocket Is The Future Of Complete Technological Privacy

Off Pocket Is The Future Of Complete Technological Privacy

Anyone who thinks there is still privacy (online and offline) is unfortunately wrong. There are literally hundreds of ways that anyone can track your ...
10 Places That Have Either Banned Google Glass Or Will Ban It Soon

10 Places That Have Either Banned Google Glass Or Will Ban It Soon

I'll admit that when I first heard about Glass, I wasn't overly thrilled. I couldn't understand how I would ever use it. But now that several of my so ...
How To Find Hidden Cameras Planted In Any Room [Infographic]

How To Find Hidden Cameras Planted In Any Room [Infographic]

With all the talk about privacy and people snooping into our lives, whether it's by listening to our conversations or recording us on video, it makes ...
Beer Beard: This Guy’s Beard Stores His 6-Pack Of Beer Perfectly

Beer Beard: This Guy’s Beard Stores His 6-Pack Of Beer Perfectly

Beards and beer seem to go together well, or maybe I just think that because of all the quirky beer beard designs over the years. I wonder if guys wit ...
Doctor Who: The Clock Strikes Twelve As The Newest Doctor Is Announced

Doctor Who: The Clock Strikes Twelve As The Newest Doctor Is Announced

As of Sunday August 4, 2013, the clock struck twelve for the Doctor. Peter Capaldi was announced as the actor who will be portraying the newest Doctor ...
How Hackable Is Your Life & Everyday Tech? [Infographic]

How Hackable Is Your Life & Everyday Tech? [Infographic]

With the increased amount of technology in our lives, the possibility of identifying theft is rising along with it. Whether or not we will get hacked ...
Most User-Friendly Mount For Smartphones And Tablets Makes Life Easier

Most User-Friendly Mount For Smartphones And Tablets Makes Life Easier

There are tons of mounts available for smartphones and tablets. There are so many that it never occurred to me that someone was innovating to create o ...
What Customers Don’t Like About Brands In Social Media [Infographic]

What Customers Don’t Like About Brands In Social Media [Infographic]

We've all seen or heard about brands in social media taking unfortunate missteps. Whether it was an employee who was logged into the wrong account bef ...
What Brand Of Coffee Will Keep You Going The Longest? [Infographic]

What Brand Of Coffee Will Keep You Going The Longest? [Infographic]

Let's see how important your caffeine intake is each day, shall we? I am sure that as you read this, there is a chance some of you are actually zippin ...
Jar With A Twist Will “Unmess” Your Messy Jar Interaction

Jar With A Twist Will “Unmess” Your Messy Jar Interaction

How many times have you sworn never to eat peanut butter or Nutella ever again because it gets your fingers messy when you reach for the leftovers at ...
Brands Start To Offer Instagram Rewards For Your Best Pictures

Brands Start To Offer Instagram Rewards For Your Best Pictures

If you have ever used Instagram, you know it's all about the pictures. What you share is what is going to put you on the map so to speak. Even though ...
Does This iPhone 6 Design Push The iPhone Into The Future?

Does This iPhone 6 Design Push The iPhone Into The Future?

People are at it again, or should I say still at it? The rumor mill has started and as always, there are iPhone concept designs pushed out that try to ...
How To Make An Anti-Stress Miniature Zen Garden For Your Desk [Chart]

How To Make An Anti-Stress Miniature Zen Garden For Your Desk [Chart]

The purpose of a Zen garden, or Japanese rock garden, is to help de-stress and relax you when you need a breather from life. It is supposed to evoke f ...
Military Style Hidden Safe Under The Bed Lets You Sleep On Valuables

Military Style Hidden Safe Under The Bed Lets You Sleep On Valuables

There have been a lot of innovative devices designed over the years to deter thieves from breaking into our homes. Some of them are super simple, and ...
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