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Facebook Or Twitter: 2010 Study Breaks It Down [Infographic]

Facebook Or Twitter: 2010 Study Breaks It Down [Infographic]

It's been the holy grail of questions for marketers and business owners for quite some time now.  Since running a company limits time for social netwo ...
Why Do Freeways Come To A Stop? [Infographic]

Why Do Freeways Come To A Stop? [Infographic]

I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say that sometimes when you're on your way home from work, and you're taking the freeway, you have mor ...
The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

Martin over at NortHACKton gets the ultimate geek award this week for sure with his etch-a-sketch computer hybrid. According to his website, after se ...
How To: Make A Super Sweet Plastic Skull Doorbell

How To: Make A Super Sweet Plastic Skull Doorbell

Skull art has always been popular. A quick Google search will reveal a ton of really cool art inspired by skulls; however, this is the cutest little ...
Project Space Planes: Geeky Paper Airplanes Fall From Space

Project Space Planes: Geeky Paper Airplanes Fall From Space

What a brilliant promotion sponsored by Samsung. 100 geeky paper airplanes were recently dropped to the earth from space. They were geeky because ea ...
Keyboard Phone: New Revolutionary Concept Cell Phone

Keyboard Phone: New Revolutionary Concept Cell Phone

The way we picture a cell phone has become something of a hybrid of many gadgets.  The main theme that stands out is of course the touch screen and th ...
5 Reasons Why Knowing Your Strengths Is Important!

5 Reasons Why Knowing Your Strengths Is Important!

Have you ever taken a test to actually determine your strengths and your weaknesses?  I remember as a part of our planning sessions at work, we were a ...
Star Wars: An Imperial Walker (AT-AT) Inspired Design

Star Wars: An Imperial Walker (AT-AT) Inspired Design

Since I'm in the computer business, I have a dozens of boxes of old computer parts in my house. I never know what to do with that stuff. I know it's ...
UPS vs. FedEx: Surprising Stats Compared [Infographic]

UPS vs. FedEx: Surprising Stats Compared [Infographic]

Every other day or so I get a shipment from some producer, publisher or as of lately, someone who wants Bit Rebels to review their gadgets.  As you mi ...
Virtual Map: Take A Trip To Italy Right Now

Virtual Map: Take A Trip To Italy Right Now

Back in the old days, if you wanted to check out a new city, you either had to read a map or travel there. Now it's a lot different. I don't even kn ...
The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle

The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle

We talk a lot about recycling on Bit Rebels. We only have one planet Earth, and once it's ruined, we can't just make another one. We have to each ta ...
The Evolution Of The Batmobile [Infographic]

The Evolution Of The Batmobile [Infographic]

It's interesting to see what Christopher Nolan did with the whole Batman concept.  It went from having dwindling movie goers to pure success.  Sure, m ...
StreetFlyer: The Oddest Bicycle Breed You Have Ever Seen

StreetFlyer: The Oddest Bicycle Breed You Have Ever Seen

I was a frequent pedal paddler when I was a kid until I got myself into an accident.  After that I have never really found the two wheeled form of tra ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...
A Tribute To Steampunk: An Art Movement

A Tribute To Steampunk: An Art Movement

Somebody asked me this morning to explain what steampunk is. It's a very interesting thing to try to describe. I love steampunk style, but it's tric ...
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