Search query: computer

Apple Bloopers

Apple Bloopers

During the years Apple has been one of the Computer industries most notorious advertisement bad boys. Always bashing down on Microsoft and their produ ...
Desktop Goodies

Desktop Goodies

Some good finds for the geek at heart. The beauty of the geek experience is that you also have the chance to enjoy neat gadgets. Computer Gear is kn ...
The Woman Behind The Curse “Hello Kitty”

The Woman Behind The Curse “Hello Kitty”

She's in every shopping mall, in every kids room and she's starting to take over the every day life of adults as well. Yeah, I am talking about the "c ...
From 8 Bit To Cartoon Comedy Hit

From 8 Bit To Cartoon Comedy Hit

If you grew up in the 80's and the 90's you would surely remember Mario, the Nintendo mascot of the famous Super Mario Bro game.  Mario is a short pu ...
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

The merging of video and reality.  Here is a cool direct mail campaign for the automotive company MINI. Where the user holds the ad in front of a web ...
LG Kicks Off Transformers 2 Campaign

LG Kicks Off Transformers 2 Campaign

As the public eagerly awaits the movie premier of Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen, more and more brands will soon launch with their campaign tie ...

Low Budget Scanner – iPhone or Scanner

So you're in a dilemma. You can't afford both an iPhone and a document scanner and you badly want to keep in touch with the Apple revolution called "T ...
8 Bit Water Slide in Real Life

8 Bit Water Slide in Real Life

The video that you will preview was created by teaandcheese as a response to a water slide competition held March 2009.  The competition was done on ...
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