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10 Old School Gadgets Our Kids Will Never Know [Videos]

10 Old School Gadgets Our Kids Will Never Know [Videos]

Do you remember when you were a kid, let's say around 8-9 years old, and you saw the guys and girls that were around 18-20? To me they always looked l ...
Design Inspiration: Alphabet Letters As Whimsical 3D Scenes

Design Inspiration: Alphabet Letters As Whimsical 3D Scenes

Even though I'm not a designer, I'm still drawn to different kinds of typography. Seeing the way artists and designers create different letters and fo ...
Halloween Alter Egos: The Guide To What You Should Be [Infographic]

Halloween Alter Egos: The Guide To What You Should Be [Infographic]

Yes, the time of the scarecrow looms in the horizon, and we are all getting ready to jump out of the shadows in hopes of giving someone we love a less ...
Art Created With Germs: The Beauty Of Bacteria

Art Created With Germs: The Beauty Of Bacteria

You are either going to feel dirty and rush to wash your hands after reading this, or you are going to think it's kinda neat. I fall somewhere in the ...
Steve Jobs Portrait Made From Old MacBook Pro Parts

Steve Jobs Portrait Made From Old MacBook Pro Parts

It's been a few days now, and the shock of Steve Jobs' passing has been transformed into remembering the genius he really was. Immediately after the n ...
8 Outrageous Hairstyles All For Charity

8 Outrageous Hairstyles All For Charity

Woah! These are some wild and crazy hair designs. The best part is that they were part of an event to raise money for charity, so that makes them even ...
ZOMBIES, RUN!: Exercise While Running For Your Life

ZOMBIES, RUN!: Exercise While Running For Your Life

I would be the first one in the room to admit that I truly need to get my butt out of the office chair and put on a pair of running shoes. I could def ...
Unusual Art: Darth Vader Portrait Created With Salt

Unusual Art: Darth Vader Portrait Created With Salt

If there is one thing that being a writer at Bit Rebels has taught me, it's that art can be created from absolutely anything. Where one person might s ...
Epic 54 Pound Lego Battlestar Galactica Ship

Epic 54 Pound Lego Battlestar Galactica Ship

I am back in the Lego bucket again, and this time I think I have dug up something mighty impressive. It's something that will have even the most hardc ...
Drooling Zombie Lips: A Photoshop Masterpiece

Drooling Zombie Lips: A Photoshop Masterpiece

Now this is a way to put Photoshop to good use! I just love these creepy, drooling zombie lips. You may be familiar with artist Stuntkid since his wor ...
Tweet Speaker: Create A Live Podcast Of Your Tweets

Tweet Speaker: Create A Live Podcast Of Your Tweets

If there is one limitation when using Twitter that I can think of, it's the fact that we can only engage with our friends and know what's going on by ...
15 Must Have Star Wars Finds On Etsy

15 Must Have Star Wars Finds On Etsy

Even though Etsy was launched in 2005, I've really only started getting into it over the past year or so. It's starting to become one of those sites I ...
Map Of Video Game Spending In The U.S. [Infographic]

Map Of Video Game Spending In The U.S. [Infographic]

I am a frequent YouTube watcher, and I usually indulge in the many commentary gaming videos that are constantly being uploaded to this service. It's a ...
The Most Innovative & Disruptive Tech Companies [Infographic]

The Most Innovative & Disruptive Tech Companies [Infographic]

The word disruptive has two very different meanings depending on the context in which it's used. When we think of someone or something as being disrup ...
Facebook Friends Poster: Social Patchwork For Your Wall

Facebook Friends Poster: Social Patchwork For Your Wall

It's common knowledge that no matter how many friends, followers or viewers you have when using social media, if they don't engage and interact with y ...
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