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The Pedestrian’s Guide to the USA

The Pedestrian’s Guide to the USA

Here in States, you can tell a lot about a city by the way the people walk. If you don't live here, you might think that walking is just walking, but ...
Pointing Stick: The IBM Approach To A Mouse In 1990

Pointing Stick: The IBM Approach To A Mouse In 1990

Do you ever wonder why we all started using a mouse rather than any other way of interacting with the user interface on the screen? Well, as you might ...
Modern Fossils: How Our Children Will See Our Achievements

Modern Fossils: How Our Children Will See Our Achievements

When looking at the technological revolution back in the '80s, I always get a little nostalgic and that retro feeling wraps itself around me like a bl ...
Multitasking And User Interface As Explained In 1982

Multitasking And User Interface As Explained In 1982

It's quite funny how we don't reflect on the interface pretty much all of us are using on today's computers anymore. We're more focused on what has to ...
The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

Omg, I betcha this is going to be one of the funniest things you read about all day. Yesterday I wrote an article called How To: Delete A Drunk Night ...
2011 Top April Fool’s Pranks Roundup [Infographic]

2011 Top April Fool’s Pranks Roundup [Infographic]

Everyone knew that we would probably go all out on the pranks, either yesterday or today, and to some extent we have. However, blogging about them all ...
A Working Camera Made With Lego Bricks

A Working Camera Made With Lego Bricks

I follow a lot of photographers on Twitter, and I learn from them everyday. People like @NiniBaseema and @ThomasMarzano have really shown me that phot ...
Near Death Experience: World’s Most Diabolical Prank Ever

Near Death Experience: World’s Most Diabolical Prank Ever

It's no joke that it was April Fool's Day yesterday and pretty much the entire world was pulling the rug out from under their closest friends and love ...
International Pillow Fight Day: Feathers Are Everywhere

International Pillow Fight Day: Feathers Are Everywhere

Are you in the mood to smash someone in the face today? Do you have some pent up energy you need to let out? You are in luck because today is Internat ...
Money Art: The Awesome Nerdery Of Money Folding

Money Art: The Awesome Nerdery Of Money Folding

If you have a couple of bucks left over after paying bills (not likely in today's economy but keep reading), you might want to venture out into the la ...
How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

I'm sure you have never had one too many glasses of wine and started tweeting and DM'ing inappropriate stuff like a maniac, of course not! *wink* Howe ...
Star Wars Boba Fett Water Pipe Makes Smoking An Art Form

Star Wars Boba Fett Water Pipe Makes Smoking An Art Form

I am not so much for people who smoke. It will turn your teeth into dark crystallized peanuts in your mouth, and you will have a nasty breath that wil ...
Yarn Ferrari: Carefully Knitted Using 12 Miles Of Yarn

Yarn Ferrari: Carefully Knitted Using 12 Miles Of Yarn

It's easy to get mesmerized by the splendor of sports cars. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that pretty much every little kid at some point ...
Analog iPad 2: When Stop Motion Determines Processor Speed

Analog iPad 2: When Stop Motion Determines Processor Speed

The topics and to write about today are unlimited. You might think that it is because the Internet is near limitless in its many websites and geeky ap ...
A Card Deck Made With 52 iPhones

A Card Deck Made With 52 iPhones

Can you believe it? Somebody created a full deck of cards made from 52 iPhones! Maybe not, but it wouldn't be April Fool's Day if I didn't play a pran ...
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