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13 Things You Need To Know About Super Mario [Infographic]

13 Things You Need To Know About Super Mario [Infographic]

Facts.  They are everywhere around us, and it is only our interest and decision to take it all in that keeps us from knowing pretty much everything we ...
Do Women Really Talk More Than Men?

Do Women Really Talk More Than Men?

I talk a lot. I admit it. Not only do I talk a lot, I write a lot, I tweet a lot and I chit-chat on the phone a lot. I just communicate a lot. I've al ...
A Never Before Seen Look Inside An AT-AT Imperial Walker

A Never Before Seen Look Inside An AT-AT Imperial Walker

Of all the things unleashed into the world, Star Wars is probably the one thing that keeps us wondering about  technology the most.  We see the gear, ...
Crush Notifier: Online Dating Steps It Up A Notch

Crush Notifier: Online Dating Steps It Up A Notch

With all the success of online dating, it's evident that there are more people out there who want to find someone from their keyboard instead of meeti ...
The Evolution Of Video Game Controllers [Infographic]

The Evolution Of Video Game Controllers [Infographic]

Ahh... video game controllers. If you are like a lot of geeks, you can graph your life based on what video games you played at the time. I remember be ...
Harry Potter Written On A Bathroom Stall Wall

Harry Potter Written On A Bathroom Stall Wall

This story has been out for about a week. I saw it the day it started circulating the Internet, but I didn't write about it then because there simply ...
Artistic Inspiration: Laptops Created From Wood Scraps

Artistic Inspiration: Laptops Created From Wood Scraps

It seems like everyday there are new articles published with ways we can help to save our environment. It's so important that we all make an effort t ...
Can Your iPhone Actually Make You A Happier Person?

Can Your iPhone Actually Make You A Happier Person?

Last year when it seemed like everyone except me was doing the iPhone 4 freak out, I was perfectly content with my Android phone. I had the best time ...
Dirty or Delicious: The 5-Second-Rule Investigated

Dirty or Delicious: The 5-Second-Rule Investigated

If you have kids, you are probably familiar with the 5-second-rule. It's a rule that claims that if you drop food on the floor, but pick it up within ...
Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch

Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch

I just love it when someone thinks outside the box for a change. We're already seeing all of these first person shooters packed up on the shelves at ...
A Mini Cooper Turned Into A Badass Gaming Chair

A Mini Cooper Turned Into A Badass Gaming Chair

Playing games has become an art form, and we're constantly trying to break the boundaries of the technology at hand.  We're constantly trying to come ...
How Big Is Your Byte: Twitter, Facebook And More In Bytes

How Big Is Your Byte: Twitter, Facebook And More In Bytes

As our world gets more and more complex, we tend to transfer that to the virtual world of ones and zeros.  As we clear up more space in the real world ...
For Your Next Tweet Up: Twitter Inspired Beer Glasses

For Your Next Tweet Up: Twitter Inspired Beer Glasses

We have featured a lot of Twitter inspired designs, and one thing I'm noticing as time goes on is that they are getting more and more creative. It's ...
Design: The Drippy Hypnotic Effects of Tall Painting

Design: The Drippy Hypnotic Effects of Tall Painting

There are so many styles of painting that are popular now. We've written dozens of articles about different techniques; however, this is one I haven' ...
Mind Twisting Art: Cartoons Mixed Into Classic Paintings

Mind Twisting Art: Cartoons Mixed Into Classic Paintings

There's a cartoon world, and there's a real world. Cartoons are supposed to stay in the cartoon world, don't you think? Whenever I see them branch o ...
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