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Book Origami Typography: The Ultimate Inspiration

Book Origami Typography: The Ultimate Inspiration

As a designer, you will find inspiration in everything that has a message. This means that pretty much everything you hear, see or feel will poke at ...
Get the Chance to Have Your Face on a Billboard in NYC!

Get the Chance to Have Your Face on a Billboard in NYC!

I would like to visit New York City one of these days. It would be a thrill to see and experience the sights and sounds of the big apple. I've heard ...
Alter Your Sense Of Reality: Experience Your Life As A Dream

Alter Your Sense Of Reality: Experience Your Life As A Dream

Get ready for your mind to be blown. Of every app I've ever written about, this one is the most fascinating. This app doesn't just help you do somet ...
Keep Twitter Near Your Heart: The Twitter Charm Necklace

Keep Twitter Near Your Heart: The Twitter Charm Necklace

The Twitter inspired products never seem to end. There is always something new we can buy to celebrate our addiction to that wonderful website so many ...
Science: How To Clone An Extinct Mammoth

Science: How To Clone An Extinct Mammoth

Whaaaaat? When I first read about this, I thought, "This is just wrong!" But, I never want to be a person that snubs technology, so I guess I'll war ...
The Self-Proclaimed Mini King of Pop

The Self-Proclaimed Mini King of Pop

I'm not normally into kiddie videos. All of us who have kids think our kid is the cutest, and we always want to show off the videos, right? I'm not ...
For Trendy Geeks: A Sleek New Minimalist Mouse Design

For Trendy Geeks: A Sleek New Minimalist Mouse Design

I remember even just as recently as five years ago, almost nobody was getting creative with computer mouse design. We all had a standard mouse, and n ...
Spider-Man Costume Update: Web Shooter Device Confirmed!

Spider-Man Costume Update: Web Shooter Device Confirmed!

If you are a true Spidey geek, then you know that there is a new Spider-Man movie scheduled to be released on July 3rd, 2012. And, if you are a super ...
A Sad Story: Super Mario Depicted From A Darker Side

A Sad Story: Super Mario Depicted From A Darker Side

Super Mario has always been this lively happy game that we have all enjoyed since its first incarnation. There have been countless versions of the ga ...
The History Of Gaming: From Oscilloscope To Virtual Reality

The History Of Gaming: From Oscilloscope To Virtual Reality

I have always wondered how people can ignore the power of gaming and say it's utter play. Of course it's play, but one must not forget that it is bec ...
Could This Be The World’s Simplest And Thinnest iPhone Case?

Could This Be The World’s Simplest And Thinnest iPhone Case?

I think by now I have pretty much covered the most expensive, the most durable, the largest and the most technological iPhone cases that I have been a ...
Soaphenge: The Cleaner Version Of Stonehenge

Soaphenge: The Cleaner Version Of Stonehenge

So where does art begin and end? That's a monumental question, and as I ask it out loud to myself, I am not sure it is to be answered, at least not b ...
Twitter Paper Toy: For The Seriously Addicted Tweeps

Twitter Paper Toy: For The Seriously Addicted Tweeps

So what does it mean to be addicted to Twitter? That's a question many people have tried to answer. The scale has many ratings and what seems like p ...
AA USB: The Flash Drive That Doubles As A Battery

AA USB: The Flash Drive That Doubles As A Battery

Energy consumption is one of the hottest topics in today's news. Pretty much every day we're seeing how the price for energy is skyrocketing. It see ...
Abandoned Homeless Droids: Trash or Treasure?

Abandoned Homeless Droids: Trash or Treasure?

Everything in life is about perspective, isn't it? One day we might think something is gross and the next day we might love it. It all depends on ou ...
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