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An Artist’s Funny Interpretation of a Weak Economy

An Artist’s Funny Interpretation of a Weak Economy

These dollar bills made me giggle when I saw them. This artist depicts the "sick" state of our economy with these simple illustrations. Matthew Do ...
Whole Body Snuggies – The Ultimate Geek Garments!

Whole Body Snuggies – The Ultimate Geek Garments!

We all remember Diana's wildly successful post about the geek snuggies that were almost too cool to write about. They were as geeky as they were cool ...
Melted Straws Fuse Together To Create Unusual Art

Melted Straws Fuse Together To Create Unusual Art

One of the many things I have learned from being a writer at Bit Rebels is that art can be created out of anything. A true artist is only limited by ...
Creative New York City Rooftop Designs

Creative New York City Rooftop Designs

It makes sense that in big cities where there isn't enough space to relax and enjoy the outdoors on the ground, the next place to go is up. You can a ...
Bling Bling Band-Aids Made With Swarovski Crystals

Bling Bling Band-Aids Made With Swarovski Crystals

Who was it that made it popular to wear a band-aid on our face? I think it was a rapper. For those of you who like that style, now you can pimp out ...
The iPhone Gun Case – For The Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino In You

The iPhone Gun Case – For The Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino In You

You can definitely tell that I live in the Southern part of the States with this article. There are many places where shooting a gun is considered a ...
Cute Dogs On The Waves – The True Surfer Kings!

Cute Dogs On The Waves – The True Surfer Kings!

I have many times thought of going on a vacation dedicated to surfing (and I don't mean the Internet), but I have never quite followed through on that ...
Food Photography – Stunning Photographs & Tips

Food Photography – Stunning Photographs & Tips

I love food and photography, so I've always been drawn to food photography. I'm only an amateur photographer, but in my opinion, taking pictures of f ...
Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

We have written several articles here on Bit Rebels that deal with sleep and the importance of getting a lot of it for health and well being. However ...
The World’s Tiniest Guns – With These There Would Be No Wars!

The World’s Tiniest Guns – With These There Would Be No Wars!

It's one of the most useless inventions you can ever think of. Some people may argue about it, but really, it is. War is such a waste of time, money ...
Piano Gloves – Play The Piano Without A Piano!

Piano Gloves – Play The Piano Without A Piano!

Creativity is so powerful. When a person is able to tap into that place inside of them, that place where the magic of uninhibited ideas and thoughts ...
The Most Creative Post-It Note Prank Ever

The Most Creative Post-It Note Prank Ever

I think all of us at Bit Rebels are post-it note junkies because we've written about them so much. We've featured geek post-it notes, gigantic post-i ...
Typography You Can Wear – Using Humans As Typeface

Typography You Can Wear – Using Humans As Typeface

The nature of our environment and our lives is moving faster and faster. Just think about two very small pieces of the puzzle: Augmented reality and ...
An Origami Tea Bag – Appreciate The Simple Things In Life

An Origami Tea Bag – Appreciate The Simple Things In Life

I don't know what it is with hot tea and me lately, but I feel like a little kid who is discovering something new. Yesterday I bought a beautiful han ...
I Love Cats! Purr-fect Photo Inspiration

I Love Cats! Purr-fect Photo Inspiration

I love cats. We have 19 cats at home to prove it! Well, they are really my sister's cats. Our love for cats dates back to when we were small girls. ...
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