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Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes [Infographic]

Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes [Infographic]

Perfecting your job interview skills is vital if you want to be able to score a job these days. The fierce competition in the job market is relentless ...
10 Really Smart Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone [Infographic]

10 Really Smart Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone [Infographic]

The first generation iPhone was released on June 29, 2007. I don't think any of us knew back then how much that small device would inspire and change ...
Smartphone Hologram Projector Now Available For Less Than $100

Smartphone Hologram Projector Now Available For Less Than $100

A while ago, I wrote about a low cost approach to adding holographic animations to your smartphone. It was a DIY holographic smartphone projector that ...
Enjoy An Elaborate 12 Course Dinner Which Is All Packed Into One Can

Enjoy An Elaborate 12 Course Dinner Which Is All Packed Into One Can

Even though the trend is to eat local, organic fruits and vegetables, there are still some tasty items that come packaged in a can. Well, if you like ...
Adam Savage Creates Flawless Han Solo Blaster Replica [Video]

Adam Savage Creates Flawless Han Solo Blaster Replica [Video]

Almost everyone is familiar with Mythbusters these days, but if you aren't, it's a TV series that debunks or proves myths that have become legends thr ...
How Hackable Is Your Life & Everyday Tech? [Infographic]

How Hackable Is Your Life & Everyday Tech? [Infographic]

With the increased amount of technology in our lives, the possibility of identifying theft is rising along with it. Whether or not we will get hacked ...
Canary Home Security System Enters Sci-Fi Territory For Cheap

Canary Home Security System Enters Sci-Fi Territory For Cheap

Isn't it weird how nowadays we can monitor pretty much everything going on online, but we can't get an update on how our own home is doing when we're ...
Bigshot: The DIY Digital Camera For Future Hacker Innovators

Bigshot: The DIY Digital Camera For Future Hacker Innovators

Yesterday I wrote about Instagram, and how an accessory app can help you earn rewards from your awesome pictures. Without a camera, it would be imposs ...
How Many People You Can Impact With Your Business Idea? [Infographic]

How Many People You Can Impact With Your Business Idea? [Infographic]

We all want to know that we are making a difference in people's lives. There are dozens of studies that show that employees want to know they are maki ...
Most User-Friendly Mount For Smartphones And Tablets Makes Life Easier

Most User-Friendly Mount For Smartphones And Tablets Makes Life Easier

There are tons of mounts available for smartphones and tablets. There are so many that it never occurred to me that someone was innovating to create o ...
What Customers Don’t Like About Brands In Social Media [Infographic]

What Customers Don’t Like About Brands In Social Media [Infographic]

We've all seen or heard about brands in social media taking unfortunate missteps. Whether it was an employee who was logged into the wrong account bef ...
What Brand Of Coffee Will Keep You Going The Longest? [Infographic]

What Brand Of Coffee Will Keep You Going The Longest? [Infographic]

Let's see how important your caffeine intake is each day, shall we? I am sure that as you read this, there is a chance some of you are actually zippin ...
12 Ways To Promote Your Facebook App On A Shoestring Budget [PDF]

12 Ways To Promote Your Facebook App On A Shoestring Budget [PDF]

Just because you've created the best app, it doesn't mean you've created the most popular app. If you think about that, you'll know exactly what I mea ...
Jar With A Twist Will “Unmess” Your Messy Jar Interaction

Jar With A Twist Will “Unmess” Your Messy Jar Interaction

How many times have you sworn never to eat peanut butter or Nutella ever again because it gets your fingers messy when you reach for the leftovers at ...
Brands Start To Offer Instagram Rewards For Your Best Pictures

Brands Start To Offer Instagram Rewards For Your Best Pictures

If you have ever used Instagram, you know it's all about the pictures. What you share is what is going to put you on the map so to speak. Even though ...
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