Search query: customer service

Simple Guide To Advanced Facebook Advertising [Infographic]

Simple Guide To Advanced Facebook Advertising [Infographic]

As a brand, you have most likely been pondering what the best way would be for you to reach new customers with your products. It's not always the easi ...
Ultimate Design Anatomy Of An Effective Website [Infographic]

Ultimate Design Anatomy Of An Effective Website [Infographic]

When putting together your home on the Internet, it is important to learn how to make your presentation as effective as possible. Usually this takes a ...
Most Effective Advertising Online In 2012 [Infographic]

Most Effective Advertising Online In 2012 [Infographic]

When it comes to advertising online, there are a lot of misconceptions out there. Of course, there is one thing that is quite clear, and that is that ...
Brand Loyalty Refined Through Humorous SEO [Flow Chart]

Brand Loyalty Refined Through Humorous SEO [Flow Chart]

As a brand, you always have to make sure you cater to your customers and clients. If you make them happy, you will make the brand happy. Some companie ...
5 Killer Ways To Rock Instagram For Business [Infographic]

5 Killer Ways To Rock Instagram For Business [Infographic]

In order for a company to break through the noise in today's social media landscape, it's necessary to be creative and dedicated. You have to have a g ...
Scheduled Social Media Increases Reach & Productivity [Infographic]

Scheduled Social Media Increases Reach & Productivity [Infographic]

Social media has become the prime reason why people get on the Internet lately. With Facebook hogging almost 12% of the world's population and Twitter ...
The Elemental Structure Of Social Media: The Overview [Infographic]

The Elemental Structure Of Social Media: The Overview [Infographic]

The ecosystem that we all call social media is as complex as any online infrastructure. It's built up of a stunning number of websites and entities th ...
How To Get Inbound Leads From Your Website [Infographic]

How To Get Inbound Leads From Your Website [Infographic]

Lately I've been seeing more and more articles and infographics about inbound marketing. I first heard of this concept back in 2007 when I attended we ...
A Marketer’s Guide To Pinterest [Video Infographic]

A Marketer’s Guide To Pinterest [Video Infographic]

With Pinterest rapidly becoming one of the fastest growing social networking services ever, it's no wonder that we keep seeing new and exciting ways t ...
LinkedIn Cheat Sheet: Mastering Brand Networking [Infographic]

LinkedIn Cheat Sheet: Mastering Brand Networking [Infographic]

When trying to reach out as a brand to new clients or customers, it's ever more important to utilize social media. The major services available are al ...
Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

Ultimate Guide To Successful Website Landing Pages [Infographic]

I guess anyone who has been working with website design for a long period of time knows the importance of an optimized landing page. It's what could m ...
The Growth Of The Internet [Infographic]

The Growth Of The Internet [Infographic]

Sometimes even the smallest amount of data can provide a huge clue about where technology is heading. For example, by having a look at the browser sta ...
Social Brand Value: Leading Brands Compared [Infographic]

Social Brand Value: Leading Brands Compared [Infographic]

When building a presence on the Internet for your company and brand, it is important to give your customers and the people who like what you do a chan ...
How Colors Affect Our Purchases [Infographic]

How Colors Affect Our Purchases [Infographic]

How do you shop? Old school or new age-style? I guess it depends on how busy you are right before you planned to go shopping. The fact is that more an ...
iTar: Convert Your iPad Into A Real Guitar & Much More

iTar: Convert Your iPad Into A Real Guitar & Much More

The gadgets that Apple launches always have a primary use, but fans of the Apple brand have always found ways to push more things into their already f ...
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