Search query: education

Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media

Are you good at multitasking? I've been a scatter brain my whole life, so for me, sometimes it's hard to concentrate on one thing, much less a bunch, ...
Who Uses What: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn… [Infographic]

Who Uses What: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn… [Infographic]

Social media and social networking have such a hype surrounding them that most people probably think that everyone is using at least one service to co ...
Learn How To Help The Environment On Facebook

Learn How To Help The Environment On Facebook

People often ask me, "What do you really do for a living?"  I usually tell them that I work in an advertising agency.  I am part of a team that does d ...
Beware Criminals: McDonald’s Will Spray You With DNA!

Beware Criminals: McDonald’s Will Spray You With DNA!

This is awesome! I don't know much about DNA technology, but what I do know is that if a thief leaves a trace of DNA, he's totally busted. Of course ...
Design: Steampunk Lights With An Important Message

Design: Steampunk Lights With An Important Message

These liquid lights are so inspiring on so many different levels. Tanya Clarke created them to remind us about how precious water is, and how we need ...
Sculptures Made From Rat Poison Packaging

Sculptures Made From Rat Poison Packaging

Ok, by now you know that when I come across something that will put your weird shit-o-meter into overdrive, I have to write about it. I have no exp ...
The Top 5 Apps For iPad

The Top 5 Apps For iPad

First of all, let me just state - I love my iPad! I use it more and more as a replacement for my Macbook Pro. My iMac works perfectly as a hub for a ...
A Tribute To That Special Man In Our Life – Our Dad!

A Tribute To That Special Man In Our Life – Our Dad!

It's Father's Day again. I think the person who started the tradition loved her dad very much! I think it's a great idea to have a special day for a ...
Anorexia & Bulimia: Magically Illustrated Understanding

Anorexia & Bulimia: Magically Illustrated Understanding

Designers aren't all about creating genius concepts and dazzling websites that are ultimately going to pull in thousands and thousands of dollars. It ...
Have You Ever Blown A Giant Sea Mollusk Before?

Have You Ever Blown A Giant Sea Mollusk Before?

I know, it’s a loaded question. I don’t normally watch television, but a few days ago my son was watching cartoons and I overheard a commercial talki ...
This Diet Coke Can Is Showing Us Some Love

This Diet Coke Can Is Showing Us Some Love

I love this new limited edition Diet Coke can! I really liked the sleek and sexy Coke can Richard wrote about, but I think I like this one even bette ...
Just Unveiled: The Porsche 918 Spyder

Just Unveiled: The Porsche 918 Spyder

I am such a sucker for hot cars. I always have been. When I’m around a beautiful, sleek, sexy, fast car I get weak in the knees and turn to mush. I ...
Urban Camouflage Art | Graffiti Style

Urban Camouflage Art | Graffiti Style

Graffiti is one of those sensitive things that people usually feel strongly about. Some people believe it is art, others believe it is an eyesore. ...
Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

We interrupt the regular Bit Rebels programming to bring you this important announcement: Did you know that a 10 foot long crab was captured in Great ...
A Geek’s Dream Come True | Star Wars Lightsaber Flashmob

A Geek’s Dream Come True | Star Wars Lightsaber Flashmob

I own several Star Wars lightsabers; some even light up and make that cool noise. I know, they are toys. I know, they are for kids. I’m a geek, and ...
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