Search query: entrepreneur

Ultimate Startup Cheat Sheet For Inspired Entrepreneurs [Flowchart]

Ultimate Startup Cheat Sheet For Inspired Entrepreneurs [Flowchart]

I am sure most of you have at some point had an idea that you thought could become a huge success. Whether it was a product or a service doesn't matte ...
9 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur: Recognize Some Of Them? [Chart]

9 Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur: Recognize Some Of Them? [Chart]

There are many characteristics of an entrepreneur, and since every person is different, we don't all have the same ones. The reason I like this chart ...
Guide For Entrepreneurs: How To Effectively Delegate [Infographic]

Guide For Entrepreneurs: How To Effectively Delegate [Infographic]

As an entrepreneur, I understand the complexities involved with delegation. In order to grow a successful business, it's important to let go of some p ...
Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart]

Inside The Brain Of An Entrepreneur [Chart]

We've written a lot of business articles on Bit Rebels, and although some are written about topics pertaining to a corporate environment, our favorite ...
In The Future Employees Will Be Replaced With Entrepreneurs [Chart]

In The Future Employees Will Be Replaced With Entrepreneurs [Chart]

I remember a few months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks here in the States, a lot of companies reacted to the downturn in the economy by replacing em ...
How To: Never Give Up On Being An Entrepreneur [Chart]

How To: Never Give Up On Being An Entrepreneur [Chart]

If you are an entrepreneur, you know that everyday is a new adventure that brings unexpected highs and lows. You've probably become a master at rollin ...
10 Entrepreneurial Styles: Which One Are You? [Infographic]

10 Entrepreneurial Styles: Which One Are You? [Infographic]

Getting a startup off the ground is hard work, and I think every entrepreneur can vouch for that. Not only does it take dedication, but you need to ha ...
By The Year 2020 There Will Be One Billion Entrepreneurs [Infographic]

By The Year 2020 There Will Be One Billion Entrepreneurs [Infographic]

Currently there are approximately 380 million entrepreneurs in the world. However, in seven short years, that number could very well jump to one billi ...
Popular Twitter Hashtags For Entrepreneurial Rock Stars [Infographic]

Popular Twitter Hashtags For Entrepreneurial Rock Stars [Infographic]

For every day that goes by, it gets harder and harder to break through the noise on Twitter. In the beginning, the interaction rate of each tweet was ...
5 Most Successful Internet Entrepreneurs Of 2012 [Infographic]

5 Most Successful Internet Entrepreneurs Of 2012 [Infographic]

These days, there are more people than ever who are trying to make a living online, and many of them are successful. They get a great idea, and then t ...
Entrepreneurs…How Many Times Is Too Many Times To Try? [Chart]

Entrepreneurs…How Many Times Is Too Many Times To Try? [Chart]

One question that seems to be a popular one in the entrepreneurial forms is "How many times is too many times to keep trying?" It's such a sensitive q ...
2012: How The Economy Affected Entrepreneur Attitudes [Infographic]

2012: How The Economy Affected Entrepreneur Attitudes [Infographic]

Here in the United States, 2012 will probably always be perceived as a year that was rough financially. Many families are still struggling to get thei ...
What It Takes To Become An Entrepreneur [Infographic]

What It Takes To Become An Entrepreneur [Infographic]

We have written so many articles on Bit Rebels about becoming an entrepreneur, and you can probably tell that both Richard and I have a real passion f ...
Founder’s Dictionary: Words Entrepreneurs Should Know [Infographic]

Founder’s Dictionary: Words Entrepreneurs Should Know [Infographic]

If you have ever found yourself at the right end of a brilliant idea that has turned into a company, you know there is a certain lingo going on. You m ...
Women Entrepreneurs: Small vs. Big Businesses

Women Entrepreneurs: Small vs. Big Businesses

Watching what women do and say, and how that aligns to the needs of their business vs. their family, I was intrigued to discover we might have thought ...
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