Search query: entrepreneur

How To Make Venture Capitalists Interested In Your Startup [Chart]

How To Make Venture Capitalists Interested In Your Startup [Chart]

A decade ago, finding investors and getting a business funded was a whole lot more difficult than it is today. These days, with crowdsourcing sites co ...
10 Steps To Turn Your Talent & Passion Into A Business [Infographic]

10 Steps To Turn Your Talent & Passion Into A Business [Infographic]

Are you bored at your job? Maybe you're sitting at your desk right now wishing you were somewhere else...somewhere where you could be putting your tal ...
Bon Apetoilet! Public Bathroom & Toilets Converted Into Gourmet Cafe

Bon Apetoilet! Public Bathroom & Toilets Converted Into Gourmet Cafe

Whet your appetite people and take a seat at the most original new eatery in London called The Attendant. If the name doesn’t give you a brief insight ...
Internet Addiction: Is This Online Disorder Real? [Infographic]

Internet Addiction: Is This Online Disorder Real? [Infographic]

With all the really good services online, Internet addiction is becoming ever more severe. Some say Internet addiction doesn't exist, while other peop ...
Facebook Exchange vs. Web Retargeted Ads: Pros & Cons [Infographic]

Facebook Exchange vs. Web Retargeted Ads: Pros & Cons [Infographic]

There has been a lot of talk over the past year about Facebook Exchange (FBX) and web retargeted ads. People like to compare them, which is understand ...
Business Is More Than Money: How Leaders Set The Example [Infographic]

Business Is More Than Money: How Leaders Set The Example [Infographic]

In a world where it seems like almost everyone is pinching pennies to make ends meet and entrepreneurs are working harder than ever to keep their cust ...
6 Companies We Have A Love Hate Relationship With [Infographic]

6 Companies We Have A Love Hate Relationship With [Infographic]

My hairdresser, who is an entrepreneur, once told me that he is only as good as his last haircut. In other words, his customers (even the ones who hav ...
A Business Degree May Be More Versatile Than You Realize [Infographic]

A Business Degree May Be More Versatile Than You Realize [Infographic]

I'm a huge fan of being self-employed, but I can appreciate that the entrepreneurial career path is not for everyone. There are just as many people or ...
Intellicase Turns Your Smartphone Into A Digital Key Fob

Intellicase Turns Your Smartphone Into A Digital Key Fob

Now that we have pretty much everything incorporated into our smartphones, why not add the last bits and bolts as well, right? We know that NFC (Near ...
This Is How Much Time We Have Left In Life [Infographic]

This Is How Much Time We Have Left In Life [Infographic]

Richard wrote an article a few months ago about how not to waste your life, and this reminds me a little of that. We often write articles about being ...
Lullaby Sleep Tracker Monitors Your Bedroom & What Disturbs Your Sleep

Lullaby Sleep Tracker Monitors Your Bedroom & What Disturbs Your Sleep

Almost everyone I know has trouble sleeping, including myself. We try to use whatever body hack we can find to push ourselves to the limit of what our ...
Top 10 Failed Social Media Sites & What We Can Learn [Infographic]

Top 10 Failed Social Media Sites & What We Can Learn [Infographic]

If you are an entrepreneur who enjoys networking in social media, it's probably crossed your mind to start your own social media site. There are so ma ...
Crowdfunding 101: How To Get Funded Online [Infographic]

Crowdfunding 101: How To Get Funded Online [Infographic]

Yesterday I read an article on Forbes about how crowdfunding could potentially change the face of consumer electronics. In that article, there was a l ...
Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Business [Infographic]

Why This Is The Perfect Time To Start A Business [Infographic]

We write a lot on Bit Rebels about entrepreneurship and how to start a business, and if it's something you've been thinking about doing, now may be th ...
SEO Predictions For 2013: The Optimization Forecast [Infographic]

SEO Predictions For 2013: The Optimization Forecast [Infographic]

The new year has just started. It's 2013, and we are about to embark on a new journey through a year filled with exciting opportunities and intriguing ...
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