Search query: entrepreneur

Fail To Succeed: 7 Iconic Successes Spawned From Failure [Chart]

Fail To Succeed: 7 Iconic Successes Spawned From Failure [Chart]

I thought I'd kick the Bit Rebels day off today with a little motivation and inspiration. We've all heard the phrase that we have to "fail to succeed, ...
According To Stanford & Forbes: Successful Women Are Chameleons

According To Stanford & Forbes: Successful Women Are Chameleons

Who knew chewing gum, dancing backwards, frying up the bacon, and finding lost keys would serve women so well in the business world? "What does that m ...
Best Times In Life To Start A Small Business [Infographic]

Best Times In Life To Start A Small Business [Infographic]

Have you been waiting for the perfect time in your life to start a small business? Maybe you've been waiting for the stars to align and the sky to ope ...
Student Survey: Meet The CEOs Of Tomorrow [Infographic]

Student Survey: Meet The CEOs Of Tomorrow [Infographic]

Depending on how old you are, you probably remember being taught about business and marketing in school. When I was at University, I remember the inst ...
Best Place In Silicon Valley For Your Next Startup [Infographic]

Best Place In Silicon Valley For Your Next Startup [Infographic]

Everyone knows that Silicon Valley is home to many of the world's most innovative and creative technology companies. Even today, many years after Sili ...
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Famous Businesses [Infographic]

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Famous Businesses [Infographic]

If you are an entrepreneur, and if you are going through a rough patch at the moment, I hope this article will put a smile on your face and give you t ...
Self-Learning: The Road To Success [Infographic]

Self-Learning: The Road To Success [Infographic]

There is a revolution going on in the world that not many people know about, and it isn't visible to the naked eye. It something that has been going o ...
How To Raise Money For Your Startup [Infographic]

How To Raise Money For Your Startup [Infographic]

Like many people, I've been following Mashable's 16-episode documentary called Behind The Launch. It is a series designed to take readers behind the s ...
Work Smarter: Maximize Your Efficiency In The Office [Infographic]

Work Smarter: Maximize Your Efficiency In The Office [Infographic]

Does the logic follow that if we can learn how to maximize our efficiency at work, we will be able to work less hours? It makes sense, but is there a ...
Paintbrush & Candy Box Packaging With A Little Flavor Savor

Paintbrush & Candy Box Packaging With A Little Flavor Savor

I quickly get sucked into packaging design that embraces a genuinely extraordinary concept. These are design solutions that are more than practical an ...
Having A Toxic Boss Hurts Your Health & Happiness [Infographic]

Having A Toxic Boss Hurts Your Health & Happiness [Infographic]

I haven't worked a 9-5 Monday through Friday job in so long, I can barely remember what it was like. Now I work about 14 hours a day instead of 8 (bec ...
Sleep Or Die: How Little Or No Sleep Will Affect You [Infographic]

Sleep Or Die: How Little Or No Sleep Will Affect You [Infographic]

Dedicated entrepreneurs sometimes keep working towards their goals even though their bodies tell them to quit and go to bed. It is called nothing othe ...
An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics

Are you a workaholic? Do you get so focused on your projects that time slips by, and when you finally come up to breathe, many hours have passed? I'm ...
When Celebrities Were Young [13 Pics]

When Celebrities Were Young [13 Pics]

Over the past few days, ever since the very sad death of Steve Jobs, many photographs of him in his younger years have surfaced. When I see those pict ...
iPhone 4S Upgrade Kit Now Available!

iPhone 4S Upgrade Kit Now Available!

The sad news reached the world today that Apple's co-founder and pioneering innovator Steve Jobs died peacefully surrounded by his family. What this w ...
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