Search query: food

Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Cupcakes

Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Cupcakes

Schweeeet! Now I have a legitimate reason to eat cupcakes for dinner. Unless you are a big cupcake fan like me, you probably don't know that cupcakes ...
The World’s Largest McDonald’s Just Got Super Sized

The World’s Largest McDonald’s Just Got Super Sized

The world's largest McDonald's at the moment, which is in Orlando, is about to get big-mac'ed by this big daddy McDonald's being built in London for t ...
Cupcakes Made With Insects: Someday You’ll Love These

Cupcakes Made With Insects: Someday You’ll Love These

We've written many times about how in the future we'll have to eat different foods than we eat now. The world's population is simply growing too fast ...
Colorful & Smart Safety Tattoos For Children

Colorful & Smart Safety Tattoos For Children

I found this today on Pinterest, and it's such a great idea! It comes from Beckie at Infarrantly Creative. I never knew before today that tattoo print ...
DIY Harry Potter Fever Fudge

DIY Harry Potter Fever Fudge

Don't you just love it in movies when they show people making and eating the most unusual concoctions that we'd never think of? I've always dreamed of ...
The Bird’s Nest Restaurant: Dine Peacefully While Sitting In A Tree

The Bird’s Nest Restaurant: Dine Peacefully While Sitting In A Tree

One of my favorite types of creativity is the kind that expresses itself in a way where lots of people from around the world can benefit from its insp ...
Picnic Pants: For Fashionably Uncivilized Eating At Its Best

Picnic Pants: For Fashionably Uncivilized Eating At Its Best

I don't have a dinner table. There, I said it. Other than on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I would never use it, so why bother having one? My son and I ...
Beautiful Baguette Tables Made From Stale Bread

Beautiful Baguette Tables Made From Stale Bread

Of all the very, very worthy causes in that we see people work hard to support, the one that speaks to me the most is world hunger. We all have things ...
Edible Cookbook: The First Cookbook You Can Read & Eat

Edible Cookbook: The First Cookbook You Can Read & Eat

Let's just say you want to make lasagna tonight. Instead of reaching for one of your traditional cookbooks, you decide you want to shake things up a l ...
10 Chocolate Star Wars Creations To Fuel Your Craving

10 Chocolate Star Wars Creations To Fuel Your Craving

It is once again Friday, and we are all looking forward to the weekend. Some people like to relax, and some people want to do something that they have ...
Glow-In-The-Dark Sushi Made With Genetically Modified Fish

Glow-In-The-Dark Sushi Made With Genetically Modified Fish

Sushi is not only delicious, but so much fun also since it seems a lot of people are motivated to make unusual varieties of sushi. We've written about ...
I Heart You Cupcakes: Bake A Red Heart Surprise Inside

I Heart You Cupcakes: Bake A Red Heart Surprise Inside

Just last week, I wrote an article about a creative baker who made colorful Lego blocks (made out of cake) inside vanilla cupcakes. I thought it was s ...
Clever Birdfeeders Made With Repurposed Household Objects

Clever Birdfeeders Made With Repurposed Household Objects

Since I'm sitting at my desk on the computer most days, I like to look out the window into my backyard often. There is a rabbit house out there with a ...
Double Lego Cupcakes To Make Your Inner Geek Smile

Double Lego Cupcakes To Make Your Inner Geek Smile

Who doesn't love chocolate and Lego? That's what I'm sayin! This is a topic I couldn't wait to write about today. We've featured chocolate Lego bricks ...
Stem Cell Test Tube Cheeseburgers Taste Just Like Chicken

Stem Cell Test Tube Cheeseburgers Taste Just Like Chicken

Right now these burgers apparently taste nasty, and perhaps they'll end up tasting like chicken. If the scientists have any luck at all, they may end ...
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