Search query: food

Your Future Underwater House – Design Inspiration

Your Future Underwater House – Design Inspiration

Could you imagine living underwater in a self-sustained pod? I think the idea sounds intriguing, but I bet in real life, it would get old quick. Aft ...
Is This The True Origin Of Pong, Tetris And Arkanoid?

Is This The True Origin Of Pong, Tetris And Arkanoid?

I don't think anyone out there who is moderately interested in video games doesn't know about Pong, Tetris, Arkanoid, Super Mario and Sonic. They are ...
The Next Generation Fridge – Yes, It’s All About Touch!

The Next Generation Fridge – Yes, It’s All About Touch!

Everything is advancing and there's really no stopping it. Soon enough the flippin pillow will have its own incorporated alarm clock and vibrator to ...
The Most Heavenly Ice Cream Sundae You’ve Ever Seen

The Most Heavenly Ice Cream Sundae You’ve Ever Seen

This ice cream sundae you see below is truly a work of art. It's a design masterpiece and I'd love nothing more than to tackle this like a linebacker ...
The Watermelon Death Star – Perfect for a Geek’s Picnic

The Watermelon Death Star – Perfect for a Geek’s Picnic

I always played with my food as a kid. It used to drive my mother crazy. I still play with my food as an adult, and I've managed to pass this very a ...
Fascinating Doomsday Bunker Design

Fascinating Doomsday Bunker Design

This article will nicely feed into all the 2012 paranoia. After all the science fiction movies we've seen throughout the years, it's no surprise that ...

How To Catch A Mouse! Get Rid Of Those Pests Now!

Do you have problems with mice in your house? We don't have that problem in our house since we have natural mouse control - 19 cats! Having pests in ...
The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

Have you checked out the new Double Down KFC sandwich? In my opinion, this freak of nature fast food nastiness should be outlawed. It doesn't even l ...
The Double Cheeseburger with Zero Calories!

The Double Cheeseburger with Zero Calories!

I love cheeseburgers and I love paper art, so this article makes me happy. Have you noticed that the trend lately with food art is to make it tiny? ...
Candy Face Artwork: Disturbing Deliciousness

Candy Face Artwork: Disturbing Deliciousness

Candy is one of the most sugar injected delicacies we humans love to eat and hate to love. There are so many negative effects that come from candy, y ...
Discover the Magic of Bar Code Art

Discover the Magic of Bar Code Art

Scott Blake is a bar code artist. As if that wasn't unique enough, each piece of bar code in his art is scannable. That's right, you can take your i ...

How To Remain Alert With Very Little Caffeine!

I was in the elevator the other day with a co-worker (Carmela Quirino), and we were discussing that she has to limit her caffeine intake due to hyper- ...
Wanna Be Cool? – Drink Your Water Out of a Box

Wanna Be Cool? – Drink Your Water Out of a Box

We all know the downfalls of drinking bottled water, right? I'm not going to go into any of those, but if you would like to learn more about that, you ...
Darth Vader In Lego Land: Humor Served By Eddie Izzard

Darth Vader In Lego Land: Humor Served By Eddie Izzard

I had such a busy day today. The best defense to any day like today is to just find a good video and laugh out loud. My friend Samir shared this vid ...
A Tribute To The Perfect Twitter Breakfast

A Tribute To The Perfect Twitter Breakfast

I live in the Southern part of the United States, and breakfast here is a big meal of the day. In case you are unfamiliar with this picture to the le ...
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