Search query: hacking

All About Cybercrimes – How You Can Be The Next Prey Of Hackers

All About Cybercrimes – How You Can Be The Next Prey Of Hackers

We live in a world of cybercrimes, where installing an anti-virus software is simply not enough to protect your data from being stolen and leaked on t ...
Cyber Security Device With Artificial Intelligence Component Hits Milestone

Cyber Security Device With Artificial Intelligence Component Hits Milestone

Press Release - Oasis Technology’s TITAN Cyber Security Defense Unit has now completed regional trials with Energy, Finance, and Medical industries an ...
With The Information Age Came The End Of Privacy

With The Information Age Came The End Of Privacy

What started out as a terror attack on unsuspecting Christmas party goers, which resulted in the deaths of 14 people and 22 injured, ended in a battle ...
6 Important Features Every VPS Server Should Have

6 Important Features Every VPS Server Should Have

The main concept behind a VPS server system is that it is a personalized virtual space that is dedicated to a single user. This space is a part of a m ...
How To Find Out If Your Remote Employees Are A Security Risk?

How To Find Out If Your Remote Employees Are A Security Risk?

More and more employees are working remotely these days and this has brought with it a great deal of convenience, flexibility, and even added expertis ...
Security & VPS – 5 Questions You Should Ask Your VPS Provider

Security & VPS – 5 Questions You Should Ask Your VPS Provider

As we have seen lately, information and files stored on the Cloud are not as secure as many companies claim. Hacks are becoming more sophisticated and ...
How To Protect Your Digital Information While Traveling

How To Protect Your Digital Information While Traveling

Protecting our computers is something that most people are very engaged in since they want their personal information as well as their machines to be ...
Ransomware Is A Billion Dollar Game Of Cat And Mouse

Ransomware Is A Billion Dollar Game Of Cat And Mouse

Cyber security is a never-ending game of cat and mouse between criminals and those offering some form of protection, which is why we can never rest on ...
Why Smart Power Grids Will Come At A Hefty Price

Why Smart Power Grids Will Come At A Hefty Price

The world’s power grids are considered by some to be one of, if not the, largest contiguous man-made systems on the planet. Similar in immensity to th ...
How To Unlock Your Samsung Galaxy S8+ (Plus) Smartphone

How To Unlock Your Samsung Galaxy S8+ (Plus) Smartphone

Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus is a high standard phone designed to bring you the value and features you need. However, purchasing a SIM unlocked model can ra ...
DDoS Attacks Become Hackers’ New Weapon Of Choice

DDoS Attacks Become Hackers’ New Weapon Of Choice

With the Trump Hotels becoming the latest victim of several targeted DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service) it seems that 2017 will be littered ...
Security Guide: When To Actually Deny Mobile App Permissions

Security Guide: When To Actually Deny Mobile App Permissions

When downloading new computer software, a mobile app or asking to join a new network, do you click or tap "Agree" to the permissions without having re ...
4 Simple Steps To Increase Your Company’s Security In 2017

4 Simple Steps To Increase Your Company’s Security In 2017

Protecting your corporate data is more important than ever. Phishing schemes, ransomware, and other security breaches lead to compromised data. When o ...
The Top 5 Most Realistic Hacker Movies Ever Made

The Top 5 Most Realistic Hacker Movies Ever Made

For a long time, Hollywood has followed a tradition of taking mundane, everyday tasks and highly dramatizing and simplifying them to create an engagin ...
Hacker Profiles – The Bad Guys Of Online Security [Infographic]

Hacker Profiles – The Bad Guys Of Online Security [Infographic]

Not a single Internet user doesn't know that a certain evil is at large on the Internet. They are called hackers and sometimes cause havoc to secure s ...
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