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New Death Star Tiles Will Make Star Wars Fans Go Bonkers

New Death Star Tiles Will Make Star Wars Fans Go Bonkers

Star Wars fans have always been heavily creative they come up with the most mind-blowing things sometimes, which of course makes even more fans come u ...
Hacked Ray-Ban Solar Panel Sunglasses Keeps Your Smartphone Alive

Hacked Ray-Ban Solar Panel Sunglasses Keeps Your Smartphone Alive

It's simple, and it makes more sense than most battery packs out there. Yes, I am talking about a pair of working Ray-Ban solar panel sunglasses, but ...
inFORM Shape Display Allows User To Physically Hold Objects From Afar

inFORM Shape Display Allows User To Physically Hold Objects From Afar

Touchscreens and displays are all one dimensional, and we have yet to come up with a way to truly turn them into 3D displays that physically show thin ...
iMirror: Tomorrow’s Touchscreen Interior Technology

iMirror: Tomorrow’s Touchscreen Interior Technology

Our homes are becoming everything else but procrastination stations these days. More technologies are brought to our attention that will optimize thin ...
How The Lightsaber Sound Was Created [Video]

How The Lightsaber Sound Was Created [Video]

If you have ever watched Star Wars, (who hasn't, right) you know that the most memorable things about the movie are the visuals, the science fiction f ...
Park Circa App Lets You Sell Your Parking Spot For Cash

Park Circa App Lets You Sell Your Parking Spot For Cash

Let's say that you are living in a big city, you have a car but always find it difficult to find a parking spot. What can you do? Most people drive ar ...
The History Of The Hard Drive [Infographic]

The History Of The Hard Drive [Infographic]

Most of you are working on your computer all day long, save what you have created and don't think much about it after that. Well for starters, did you ...
Guy Becomes Bionic By Inserting A Computer Into His Arm Himself

Guy Becomes Bionic By Inserting A Computer Into His Arm Himself

Before I start off with this topic, I would like to state that this is nothing that you should attempt yourself at any point. To mess around with bioh ...
How To Take Secret Photos Using The Stock iPhone Camera App In iOS 7

How To Take Secret Photos Using The Stock iPhone Camera App In iOS 7

No doubt that the new smartphone operating system for the iPhone, (iOS 7), kick started a new generation of Apple fan boys and fan girls. Jony Ive did ...
World’s First Fully Bionic Man Is A $1 Million Robot

World’s First Fully Bionic Man Is A $1 Million Robot

Researchers and developers have long tried to create the first fully bionic man with the help of highly advanced technology. We have seen them in movi ...
Badger 360 LED Jacket Is The Latest In Sports Wear

Badger 360 LED Jacket Is The Latest In Sports Wear

Exercising at night can be a dangerous endeavor. Unfortunately, there have been more tragedies than our hearts bear to take. Surprisingly little has b ...
QR Fridge Magnets Keeps Track Of Your Food’s Expiration Dates

QR Fridge Magnets Keeps Track Of Your Food’s Expiration Dates

One of the most annoying things that can happen to us during our morning routine is finding expired food in the fridge. There is nothing more frustrat ...
Fraunhofer Presents Transparent Wall Glass Light Panels

Fraunhofer Presents Transparent Wall Glass Light Panels

Some of you may have seen the new transparent glass walls that with a push of a button go all white. These glass panels are said to be the future of t ...
High Tech Chessboard For The Ultimate Gadget Geek

High Tech Chessboard For The Ultimate Gadget Geek

I take it that we have a great deal of chess players amongst our readers, correct? Through the years there have been countless chessboards presented, ...
Neurocam Reads Your Mind And Records What Interests You

Neurocam Reads Your Mind And Records What Interests You

Smartphones are used more and more as an accessory in new technologies. What that means is that our smartphones become the brain in technologies that ...
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