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4 Geeky Ways To Stay Safe While Working Naked

4 Geeky Ways To Stay Safe While Working Naked

Whether you’re literally working naked, birthday suit and all, or figuratively working naked — without the support of the corporate workplace — stayin ...
Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Everyone loves a good story, right? I can't count how many times I've "zoned out" during a presentation of some flavor, and my ears perked up right af ...
Star Wars Family Car Decals For Moms, Dads, Kids & Pets

Star Wars Family Car Decals For Moms, Dads, Kids & Pets

Do you live in a house full of Star Wars fans? Does your whole family, including your dog, watch the intro every time in awe like it's the first time ...
The Current Global Economy Explained With A Big Mac

The Current Global Economy Explained With A Big Mac

When I was uploading the picture of that Big Mac into this article, I was laughing about it because I've never actually seen a Big Mac that looks like ...
BungeeAir Can Keep You From Being a Loser

BungeeAir Can Keep You From Being a Loser

How many times have you walked into your home, set down your keys and then hours later couldn’t remember where you put them? Come on…we’ve all done th ...
Geek Design: Starship Enterprise Inspired Coffee Table

Geek Design: Starship Enterprise Inspired Coffee Table

As you probably know, we feature a lot about Star Wars and Star Trek on Bit Rebels. Even though we've mentioned before that it seems like there are mo ...
Star Wars For Lovers: A Creative Valentine’s Gift Idea

Star Wars For Lovers: A Creative Valentine’s Gift Idea

So you're married to the biggest Star Wars geek out there. What do you get him (or her) for Valentine's Day? You've probably already done all the regu ...
SnapShop App Takes The Pain Out Of Furniture Shopping

SnapShop App Takes The Pain Out Of Furniture Shopping

Think about the last time you were dragged went furniture shopping. Whether you were the one shopping or the one paying, you probably figured out quic ...
Beavis & Butthead IRL: Realistic Sculptures (Complete With Zits)

Beavis & Butthead IRL: Realistic Sculptures (Complete With Zits)

This is definitely the WTF of the day. I never got into Beavis and Butthead. I just don't think I've ever drunk enough alcohol to fully appreciate the ...
8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

I guess I'm in a little bit of a devious mood today because writing about how to tell a good lie isn't normally my style. This just caught my eye as s ...
Metal Detecting Sandals For Silent Summer Treasure Hunting

Metal Detecting Sandals For Silent Summer Treasure Hunting

Right now, when there is snow on the ground (in some places anyway), it can be hard to imagine that summer will soon be shining its warm rays on us al ...
Creative Valentine’s Day Conversation Heart Hats

Creative Valentine’s Day Conversation Heart Hats

Believe it or not, Valentine's Day will be here before we know it. One of my favorite parts of that holiday is getting conversation hearts. I don't us ...
3D Printed Eco-Friendly Houses: The Future Is Now

3D Printed Eco-Friendly Houses: The Future Is Now

This is going to blow your mind. Are you ready? Did you know that digital 3D printing of eco-friendly houses is a reality now? In other words, it's no ...
The Smartphone That Knows When You Are Angry & Annoyed

The Smartphone That Knows When You Are Angry & Annoyed

The people and brands who have been successful with social media in the past are the ones who are transparent. In other words, they are open and they ...
DIY City Of Paris Papercraft That Fits In Your Pocket

DIY City Of Paris Papercraft That Fits In Your Pocket

Papercraft builds remind me a lot of Lego builds in the sense that some artists gravitate towards huge monstrosities that you can't help but stare at, ...
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