Search query: home
BP Oil Spill Aftermath: Swimming Will Never Be The Same
It's now been a while since the initial reports of the BP oil spill showered the world in chaos and fear of what was to become of it. It took several ...
Lego Super 8 Projector: Movies Never Looked Better
There are things in the world that are hard to let go of, and then there are things that you simply shouldn't let go of at all. It is hard to let go o ...
9 Ways Twitter Can Change Your Life
Twitter has had a big influence on me. People who follow me on the site know that I tweet a lot, and that I enjoy meeting and tweeting with friends an ...
Photography: Your Refrigerator Reveals Your Life
I've always said that you can tell a lot about a person by checking out their refrigerator. If people walked into my home and went to my fridge, they ...
Remembering Michael Jackson 2 Years After His Death
It's hard to believe that next month will mark the second anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. It's so sad that someone who was so talented and bro ...
Badass Spiders Made From TSA Confiscated Scissors
If you travel much by airplane, you've probably seen the big buckets of items confiscated at the airport security checkpoints. Last month when I was a ...
How To: Play Angry Birds Dodgeball
I grew up playing with a lot of kids on the streets. I was fortunate that my brother and sister were both close to my age, and we always ended up spen ...
Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]
When you have a desk job, it's easy to see the advantages of sitting at a desk inside when looking outside and there is a guy shoveling snow in front ...
Star Wars, Jurassic Park & More Drawn In IKEA Manuals
We have all been there at some point, even if you don't want to admit it. We went there, looked around, and went back home with a bunch of boxes conta ...
Name The Flick: 91 Cult Movies On A New York Map
I think I have mentioned this before, but New York is one of the most popular sets for movies in the history of Hollywood, or at least it seems that w ...
Most Creative Way To Recycle Your Ink Cartridges
If you didn't read the title of this article first, and if you just looked at the pictures below, what would you think those science fiction sculpture ...
How To: Make Pop Rocks
Do you remember eating Pop Rocks as a kid? I do. It was like a chemistry experiment exploding in my mouth every time I ate them. I thought that eating ...
Soft & Fuzzy: Creative Felt Designs
I love felt. I don't know what it is about it, but it's a great material. It's got the yin and the yang. It's soft, yet tough. It can be colorful or d ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth
I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
Custom Hairball Jewelry Made From Your Pet’s Hair
Do you have a cat? If so, look down at your clothes; do you have cat hair on you? I'm not much of a cat person, but my dear friend @mistygirlph loves ...