Search query: infographic
The Pedestrian’s Guide to the USA
Here in States, you can tell a lot about a city by the way the people walk. If you don't live here, you might think that walking is just walking, but ...
10 Signs That You Need A Social Media Detox
I think anyone who is into social media would agree with me that things are moving faster and faster. Whatever it is that we have to do, it has to be ...
4 Tips For Speed Reading Long Blog Posts
I remember back in the days when high profile Digg users were known for consuming more information each day than the rest of us combined. Many times p ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]
As anyone might understand, recruiting new talent to your company is a science and a lot of attention to detail is needed in order to find the perfect ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]
It seems social media is becoming a truly powerful tool when it comes to finding new talent for companies around the world. A couple of years ago I wr ...
How To: Improve Your SEO With Twitter
If you have a website, if you've read about SEO, and if you're on Twitter, you've probably heard tidbits here and there about how social media affects ...
Waste In Space: It’s Not Just Earth That Needs Cleaning Up
I know there is a lot of garbage on earth, that's no surprise, but I never thought about it being in space before. And yes, most of the trash in space ...
Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Social Media
Are you good at multitasking? I've been a scatter brain my whole life, so for me, sometimes it's hard to concentrate on one thing, much less a bunch, ...
Personalities: Learn A Lot By Watching Someone Eat Corn
Every now and then we find little goofy nuggets on the Internet that we share with you just to give you a giggle and break up your day. The last time ...
Computer Viruses: 40 Year Timeline of Progression
Many websites (including Mashable) are reporting that 2011 is the 25th anniversary of computer viruses; however... upon digging further, I'd like to r ...
Wikipedia: What You Don’t Know May Surprise You
Most of us know by now that Wikipedia turned 10 years old in January. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with Wikipedia. If I need to win an ...
The Costs Associated With Buying New Technology
After having a few generations of Android phones and pushing their geeky capabilities as far as I could, I bought a Verizon iPhone 4 the day they were ...
Art: Your Favorite Movies Compressed Into Barcodes
Is it just me or is data compression becoming a hot topic? Just the other day, Richard wrote an article about this topic called The Importance Of Int ...
Protect Your Password With Help From A Geeky Stripper
As we all know, computer hackers are getting better at what they do each day, thus becoming a daily annoyance that many of us think about. Just this ...
Gender Differences: Men vs. Women on Facebook
I've had a lot of fun lately seeing all the gender related stats we've featured on Bit Rebels. It's really interesting to do the man/woman comparison ...